
[jsr340-experts] Re: New API ServletContext#addVirtualHostName

From: Rajiv Mordani <rajiv.mordani_at_oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2013 08:36:14 -0800

On 2/26/13 8:22 PM, Ron Monzillo wrote:
> On 2/26/13 4:55 PM, Rémy Maucherat wrote:
>> On 02/26/2013 10:19 PM, Greg Wilkins wrote:
>>> Remy,
>>> My understanding of this method is that it is on the servlet context,
>>> thus it is available when there is no request (eg in the init method),
>>> hence it is more than just syntax sugar over getHeader("Host").
>> Ah yes, very good point. My mistake.
>>> I don't actually see a huge need for either the single valued method
>>> or the multivalued one, as any usage of them for prepreparing URIs
>>> etc. risks being wrong if the client uses a name mapping unknown to
>>> the server. Ie the host header should always be used for generating
>>> URIs in the name space of the client.
>>> But the single valued one may be useful for logging or selecting a DB
>>> partition or otherwise parameterizing configuration. I can't think of
>>> any really good reasons for the multivalued one, but then I don't see
>>> any reason to hide this information. Containers will have a list of
>>> virtual names aliases (or patterns?) so why not expose this in a
>>> standard way.
>>> If we go with only the single valued one, then the javadoc should note
>>> that multiple virtual host names may be configured for the context and
>>> the method returns the preferred one (or at least the first).
>> Yes, it's not necessary to hide the aliases, but it could also be
>> useful to distinguish the real name. The two uses mentioned (logging,
>> parametrization) would need it. If a collection is the returned
>> value, the first element could be specified as the main name of the
>> vhost, and maybe use a List ?
>> Rémy
> As mentioned by Shing wai, and now by Greg and Remy, one use case for
> this method
> is as a reference to configuration information about the logical
> server on which the ServletContext
> has been deployed.
> To satisfy that use case, and other similar ones such as the suggested
> logging use case,
> I'd like to propose a rename of the method to getVirtualServerName
> and the following clarification
> to its description.

And for absolute clarity it will not return any host information (unless
it is referenced in the configuration).

> Note that for these use cases, a single virtual server name would be
> sufficient
> and *perhaps* preferable. A multi-valued variant either by itself as
> Remy suggested, or in addition
> to the single valued form would also be acceptable, as long as it was
> clear how to get the primary
> name of the virtual server.
> /**
> * Returns the name of the logical or virtual server on which the
> ServletContext is deployed.
> *
> * Servlet containers may support multiple virtual servers. This
> method must return the
> * same name for all the servlet contexts deployed on a virtual
> server, and the name returned
> * by this method must be distinct and stable per virtual server.
> *
> * @return a <code>String</code> containing the name of the virtual
> server
> * on which the servlet context is deployed.
> */
> public String getVirtualServerName();
> ---
> By stable , I mean that the name should persist across system
> restarts, and not be susceptible to
> reassignment by other than the container administrator.
> if you would prefer a multi-valued variant, it could be defined as
> follows

I don't think we needa multi-valued variant at this time.

- Rajiv

> /**
> * Returns the names of the logical or virtual server on which the
> ServletContext is deployed.
> *
> * Servlet containers may support multiple virtual servers. This
> method must return the
> * same list of names for all the servlet contexts deployed on a
> virtual server, none of the
> * name values in the returned list may occur in the list returned for
> another virtual server, and
> * the name values in all such lists must be stable.
> *
> * @return a List of <code>String</code> containing the names of the
> virtual server
> * on which the servlet context is deployed. The primary name of the
> virtual server must
> * always be returned as the first element in the list, and the order
> of the names in the
> * returned list must not vary.
> */
> public List<String> getVirtualServerNames();
> Ron