
[jsr340-experts] Re: Digest for list jsr340-experts@servlet-spec.java.net

From: Jeff Williams <jeff.williams_at_aspectsecurity.com>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2012 13:55:41 -0400

I like this approach and it's basically what the OWASP community suggested too. +1


Jeff Williams
Aspect Security
work: 410-707-1487
main: 301-604-4882

On Aug 10, 2012, at 5:19 AM, "jsr340-experts-request_at_servlet-spec.java.net" <jsr340-experts-request_at_servlet-spec.java.net> wrote:

> Table of contents:
> 1. [jsr340-experts] Fwd: Re: [servlet-spec users] Re: Re: security concern (protocol parameter parsing order) - Wenbo Zhu <wenbozhu_at_gmail.com>
> 2. [jsr340-experts] Re: SERVLET_SPEC-17: Clarify required behaviour when an Async listener throws an exception - Shing Wai Chan <shing.wai.chan_at_oracle.com>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Tommy <tommyc_at_google.com>
> Date: Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 2:06 PM
> Subject: Re: [jsr340-experts] Re: [servlet-spec users] Re: Re: security concern (protocol parameter parsing order)
> To: Mark Thomas <markt_at_apache.org>
> Cc: jsr340-experts_at_servlet-spec.java.net
> [please forward to the rest of the list on my behalf]
> On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 6:03 PM, Mark Thomas <markt_at_apache.org> wrote:
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Tommy <tommyc_at_google.com>
> > Date: Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 8:15 PM
> > Subject: Fwd: [servlet-spec users] [jsr340-experts] Re: security concern
> > (protocol parameter parsing order)
> > To: Wenbo Zhu <wenboz_at_google.com>
> > Note that the vulnerability is not limited to cases where developers fail
> > to specify a form action; it's also a problem when they are
> > indiscriminately forwarding query parameters or when a javascript XHR posts
> > to document.location. That seems like a lot of things that every developer
> > has to be on the lookout for, especially when it could be fixed without any
> > intervention on their part.
> How would existing applications be fixed without any intervention?
> Present parameters from the query string after those in the request body?
> Yes, that's my suggestion to fix the problem with minimal interference.
> > At the most basic level, it feels broken that it's not possible to
> > distinguish a user's form input from query string input using the
> > HttpServletRequest#getParameter API. Since there are a number of avenues
> > for the attack, and it's really easy for folks to get wrong if they're not
> > actively considering it, it seems to me like an API change would be
> > appropriate.
> Changing the API is a lit easier than getting folks to use the new API -
> especially as the old one will have to continue to work to provide
> backwards compatibility.
> Agreed. But I think it's valuable to start the process of deprecating the ambiguous accessor. Maintaining support for #getParameter just involves mashing the more specific methods' return values together, which seems straightforward.
> public String getParameter(String name) {
> String value = getBodyParameter(name);
> return (value != null) ? value : getQueryParameter(name);
> }
> > I like the idea of being able to opt out of the fixed behavior for folks
> > who may break, since people who are ambivalent will benefit and those who
> > are broken will realize it and work to fix it.
> I'm not sure where this opt-out could be implemented. Maybe
> getParameter(String name, boolean bodyFirst) with getParameter(String
> name) delegating to getParameter(name, true).
> There was a suggestion in previous responses to control the behavior in a configuration file for the server. One could also imagine a system property that could toggle it. Both of these changes would not affect the actual calling code for accessing parameters.
> > In the long run I'd prefer to see getQueryParameter/getBodyParameter
> > introduced and getParameter deprecated to eliminate the confusion. It'd
> > also be good to raise awareness on the issue, since the only documentation
> > of this behavior that I found was in the servlet spec (rather than, say,
> > javadoc on HttpServletReqeust).
> There are lots of possibilities for API changes, complicated by the need
> to minimize breakage for existing users and to retain backwards
> compatibility. My preference is for something along the lines of the
> above that 'just works' for most folks and has an easy work-around for
> everyone else.
> I think that the suggestion for fixing #getParameter behavior to order body parameters first (with some configuration option to force old behavior) passes the backwards compatibility and "just works" tests. Going forward, though, I really think there should be distinct methods for accessing parameters to eliminate any confusion.
> Mark
> Since user code and the listener are in a different thread, so there is nothing to do except logging the exception
> for all the methods in AsyncListener.
> Shing Wai Chan
> On 12/17/11 1:29 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 17/12/2011 03:58, Alex Rojkov wrote:
>>>> I am looking at http://java.net/jira/browse/SERVLET_SPEC-17 I would
>>>> like to put the request in error state when there is an exception
>>>> in AsyncListener.
>>> I think the bug description is a bit sketchy in detail on what the
>>> 'error state' would mean.
>>> Also, the listener's methods invocation contexts are different.
>>> onStart will be invoked from a thread dedicated to serving the
>>> request, so the user's code should handle the exceptions arising from
>>> onStart() calls.
>> But what happens to the AsyncContext? It will have already been created
>> since it has to be accessible via AsyncEvent.getAsyncContext().
>> My preference is to handle this the same was as errors during the
>> dispatch process.
>>> onComplete, onError and onTimeout are different.
>>> Exceptions in onError should result in freeing the container
>>> resources, closing the connection without flushing()
>> +1
>>> -onTimeout – the same.
>> My preference is the same as for onStart()
>>> -onComplete - closes the Response, so there is nothing to do except
>>> logging the exception.
>> +1
>> Mark
> End of digest for list jsr340-experts_at_servlet-spec.java.net - Fri, 10 Aug 2012