
[jsr340-experts] Re: [servlet-spec users] About SERVLET_SPEC-36

From: Mark Thomas <markt_at_apache.org>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 23:41:18 +0100

On 30/07/2012 23:21, Shing Wai Chan wrote:
> I am looking at issue http://java.net/jira/browse/SERVLET_SPEC-36
> ("Clarify relationship of metadata-complete and
> ServletContainerInitializers")
> The metadata-complete=true means the completeness of data specified in
> deployment descriptor.
> But it does not mean the annotation will be ignored in the given
> application.
> For instance, CDI annotations will still be scanned and processed.
> The ServletContainerInitializer is a service provider specified in
> META-INF/services, not by annotation. In a ServletContainerInitializer,
> there may be a @HandlesTypes, which does not have corresponding metadata
> in deployment descriptor. Since a ServletContainerInitializer and
> @HandlesTypes work together, it should be interpreted whenever a
> ServletContainerInitializer is loaded.
> In section 8.2.4 of Servlet 3.0,
> "In addition to the ServletContainerInitializer we also have an
> annotation - HandlesTypes. The annotation will be applied on the
> implementation of ServletContainerInitializer to express interest in
> classes that are either annotated with the classes specified in the
> value or if a class extends / implements one of those classes anywhere
> in the classes super types."
> I propose the following clarification in wording:
> "In addition to the ServletContainerInitializer we also have an
> annotation - HandlesTypes. The annotation will be applied on the
> implementation of ServletContainerInitializer*, independent of
> metadata-complete,* to express interest in classes that are either
> annotated with the classes specified in the value or if a class extends
> / implements one of those classes anywhere in the classes super types."
> Shing Wai Chan

What about the ordering issue? To quote one of your comments from
... excluded jars in absolute-ordering independent of
metadata-complete=true will not be scanned for ServletContainerInitializers.

I take this to mean "...will not be scanned for classes that match SCIs"
which works for me.
