
[jsr340-experts] Re: About SERVLET_SPEC_35

From: Mark Thomas <markt_at_apache.org>
Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2012 01:47:55 +0100

On 27/07/2012 23:45, Shing Wai Chan wrote:
> On 7/25/12 4:58 PM, Shing Wai Chan wrote:
>> On 7/25/12 3:41 PM, Shing Wai Chan wrote:
>>> I am looking at issue http://java.net/jira/browse/SERVLET_SPEC-35 ,
>>> "Clarification on section 4.4 Servlet Context Configuration Methods".
>>> Servlet 3.0:
>>> ----------
>>> In 4.4 (p.30), we have:
>>> If the ServletContext passed to the ServletContextListener’s
>>> contextInitialized method was neither declared in web.xml or web-
>>> fragment.xml nor annotated with @WebListener then an
>>> UnsupportedOperationException MUST be thrown for all the methods
>>> defined for programmatic configuration of servlets, filters and
>>> listeners.
>>> In javadoc of ServletContext of the following method
>>> #getEffectiveMajorVersion
>>> #getEffectiveMinorVersion
>>> #setInitParameter
>>> #addServlet(String, String), #addServlet(String, Servlet),
>>> #addServlet(String, Class<? extends Servlet>)
>>> #createServlet(Class<T>)
>>> #getServletRegistration
>>> #getServletRegistrations
>>> #addFilter(String, String), #addFilter(String, Filter),
>>> #addFilter(String, Class<? extends Filter>)
>>> #createFilter(Class<T>)
>>> #getFilterRegistration
>>> #getFilterRegistrations
>>> #getSessionCookieConfig
>>> #setSessionTrackingModes
>>> #getDefaultSessionTrackingModes
>>> #getEffectiveSessionTrackingModes
>>> #addListener(String), #addListener(T), #addListener(Class<? extends
>>> EventListener>)
>>> #createListener(Class<T>)
>>> #getJspConfigDescriptor
>>> #getClassLoader
>>> #declareRoles
>>> they have the following:
>>> Throws:
>>> UnsupportedOperationException - if this ServletContext was passed to
>>> the ServletContextListener#contextInitialized method of a
>>> ServletContextListener that was neither declared in web.xml or
>>> web-fragment.xml, nor annotated with WebListener
>>> -----
>>> The above seems to be related to blocking ServletContextListeners
>>> declared in TLD to access the 3.0 programmatic API as discussed in
>>> jsr 315 expert group with emails title - "Special treatment of
>>> ServletContextListeners declared in TLD resources of web fragments
>>> excluded from absolute ordering".
>>> The 3.0 javadoc seems to be more general compared with those
>>> mentioned in the email.
>>> We should clarify this.
>>> Shing Wai Chan
>> In p86 of Servlet 3.0 spec, we have the following:
>> Any ServletContextListeners that were discovered in a TLD and
>> registered programmatically are limited in the functionality they
>> provide. Any attempt to call a ServletContext API method on them that
>> was added in Servlet 3.0 will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.
>> This seems to be align with the email threads in jsr 315.
> The following is from p.67 of Servlet 3.0 spec:
> "ServletContextListeners discovered in TLD files of excluded jars are
> not able to configure filters and servlets using the programmatic APIs.
> Any attempt to do so will result in an IllegalStateException."

Could you provide some background as to why this is the case. It is not
immediately obvious to me.

> In other words, there is an inconsistency here
> (UnsupportedOperationException vs IllegalStateException).

No preference at this point. That may change once I understand why
reasoning behind the constraint.
