
[jsr340-experts] Re: About SERVLET_SPEC_35

From: Shing Wai Chan <shing.wai.chan_at_oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 16:58:32 -0700

On 7/25/12 3:41 PM, Shing Wai Chan wrote:
> I am looking at issue http://java.net/jira/browse/SERVLET_SPEC-35 ,
> "Clarification on section 4.4 Servlet Context Configuration Methods".
> Servlet 3.0:
> ----------
> In 4.4 (p.30), we have:
> If the ServletContext passed to the ServletContextListener’s
> contextInitialized method was neither declared in web.xml or web-
> fragment.xml nor annotated with @WebListener then an
> UnsupportedOperationException MUST be thrown for all the methods
> defined for programmatic configuration of servlets, filters and
> listeners.
> In javadoc of ServletContext of the following method
> #getEffectiveMajorVersion
> #getEffectiveMinorVersion
> #setInitParameter
> #addServlet(String, String), #addServlet(String, Servlet),
> #addServlet(String, Class<? extends Servlet>)
> #createServlet(Class<T>)
> #getServletRegistration
> #getServletRegistrations
> #addFilter(String, String), #addFilter(String, Filter),
> #addFilter(String, Class<? extends Filter>)
> #createFilter(Class<T>)
> #getFilterRegistration
> #getFilterRegistrations
> #getSessionCookieConfig
> #setSessionTrackingModes
> #getDefaultSessionTrackingModes
> #getEffectiveSessionTrackingModes
> #addListener(String), #addListener(T), #addListener(Class<? extends
> EventListener>)
> #createListener(Class<T>)
> #getJspConfigDescriptor
> #getClassLoader
> #declareRoles
> they have the following:
> Throws:
> UnsupportedOperationException - if this ServletContext was passed to
> the ServletContextListener#contextInitialized method of a
> ServletContextListener that was neither declared in web.xml or
> web-fragment.xml, nor annotated with WebListener
> -----
> The above seems to be related to blocking ServletContextListeners
> declared in TLD to access the 3.0 programmatic API as discussed in jsr
> 315 expert group with emails title - "Special treatment of
> ServletContextListeners declared in TLD resources of web fragments
> excluded from absolute ordering".
> The 3.0 javadoc seems to be more general compared with those mentioned
> in the email.
> We should clarify this.
> Shing Wai Chan

In p86 of Servlet 3.0 spec, we have the following:
Any ServletContextListeners that were discovered in a TLD and registered
programmatically are limited in the functionality they provide. Any
attempt to call a ServletContext API method on them that was added in
Servlet 3.0 will result in an UnsupportedOperationException.

This seems to be align with the email threads in jsr 315.

Shing Wai Chan