
[jsr340-experts] Re: Async IO and Upgrade proposal updated

From: Greg Wilkins <gregw_at_intalio.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 11:00:30 +1100

On 29 March 2012 02:11, Remy Maucherat <rmaucher_at_redhat.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-03-29 at 01:23 +1100, Greg Wilkins wrote:
>> > Am not fully sure what you are suggesting here. We could use a ByteBuffer
>> > instead
>> > and provide a write(ByteBuffer) if that helps. Is that what you mean? But
>> > you are still
>> > buffering no matter what IMHO.
>> A ByteBuffer helps a little bit, because it gives the caller a
>> position index to help remember how much has been written, but I agree
>> it is not the solution.
>> I see two ways to resolve this:
>> a) remove the concept of how many bytes can be written without
>> blocking from the API.  Just have a call back that says more data can
>> be written and return the bytes written from every call.   This still
>> requires the application to track the partially written content, but
>> at least it removes the requirement to have internal buffering in the
>> implementation.
> It is probably a good thing then that it is not what should be done ...
> Of course, you probably know it, the only purpose of this is to make b)
> look simpler I suppose.

I did not put this up as a straw man. This is a perfectly valid way
to do async IO APIs and I consider it the normal way of doing async...
at least for the last 20 years that I've been doing such stuff. I
have no efficiency concerns about such an API, but I am just a little
hesitant about exposing such an API to application developers. But
if that is not seen as a problem, then this is a good way to go.

> I use blocking semantics, but any bytes that cannot be immediately
> written are buffered by the container, while the flag that indicates
> that writing can continue is of course flipped.

So if you use blocking semantics, you defeat the purpose of having Async IO
If you buffer/queue the bytes internally, then you defeat the TCP/IP
back pressure flow control mechanisms that are meant to stop a
producer creating data faster than it can be transported.

> For whatever reason, you
> apparently believe the possible cost of copying these bytes somewhere is
> higher than a thread pool trip + container callback *on every single
> write*.

But it is the current API that is encouraging round trips to the
thread pool because it will limit writes to the size of the internal
implementation buffer, even if the network is able to accept more
data. Application will only write the number of bytes indicated in
the canWrite call back and will then have to wait for another dispatch
cycle to call back the canWrite method to say that more bytes can be

I'm advocating either:

   len = write(buffer,0,20000);
   // deal is len<20000 only when the network can't accept 20k



while the current API is encouraging:


 // can write callback

 // can write callback

ie it is the one that will have lots of unnecessary dispatches and
threadpool round trips - unless the internal buffer is very large.
etc. etc.

> Personally, I also don't see any big benefit in knowing an amount of
> bytes that can be written vs a simple boolean flag,

So if you see no pros of that design, why are you trying to squash a
discussion about the cons?

I'm not saying the NIO2 style is a silver bullet. It does have it's
issues, but since using it for a bit, they are not as bad as they
first appeared (specially on the write side), and it does have
usability benefits. But if we don't want to use it, then I'm saying
we should go to a more traditional async IO API with simple
readability/writaebility boolean indicators rather than try to invent
a new style of predictive write sizes. IE I do not think that we
are big enough geniuses to be inventing an entirely new style of async
API - let's just use one of the known existing styles.
