
[jsr340-experts] Re: Async IO and Upgrade proposal updated

From: Rajiv Mordani <rajiv.mordani_at_oracle.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 23:12:01 -0700

On 3/25/2012 3:56 PM, Greg Wilkins wrote:
> On 23 March 2012 08:27, Shing Wai Chan<shing.wai.chan_at_oracle.com> wrote:
>> In the WriteListener we have modified the onWritePossible method as follows
>> -
>> public void onWritePossible(int numOfBytes); -
>> Note that the onWritePossible(int numOfBytes) may require buffering at the
>> lower layers closer to where the
>> actual write happens. An alternate is to add the various write methods to
>> ServletOutputStream that returns an int with the number
>> of bytes written just like the WriteableByteChannel's write method.
> I don't understand how an implementation is meant to determine the
> number of bytes that can be written without blocking. The same goes
> for the associated canWrite(int size) method. If these methods are
> just really referring to space within the output stream buffer, then
> I have some usability and efficiency concerns with this approach.

That's why we had "may require buffering at the lower layers". That's
why the
other suggestion was to have the write methods return an int just like
the WriteableByteChannel.

> Consider the example of a producer that wants to send an Object as
> JSON asynchronously. It gets a callback saying 2048 bytes may be
> written without blocking. Does it try to convert the object or not?
> It does not know if 2048 bytes is sufficient. Let's say it knows
> that it's objects are never larger than 8192 bytes, does it wait for a
> callback telling it>8192 bytes may be written or does it have to
> convert the object to a byte array and write it a chunk at a time?

Yes you would have to convert it to a byte array and write it a chunk at
a time. Just like
http chunking that you have to do some buffering at the lower layers.
> Is the maximum value returned by canWrite or passed by onWritePossible
> related to the value of Response.getBufferSize()?

It could be but is not required to be.

> If the producer decides that it is best to write the content a chunk
> at a time, then it will have to create a byteArrayOutputStream and
> convert the object to JSON and then bytes to discover the true size.
> It can then write 2048 bytes as a chunk and wait for another callback
> to write another chunk. However, I think this approach is really
> inefficient as it a) forces an extra data copy in the implementation;

Not sure why it forces an extra data copy? If you use the ByteBuffer
approach then you
have the same issue where the byte buffer is allocated till the write is
complete. Not
sure how that is any different

> b) could result in a very stop/start/stop/start data flow on the wire;
> c) bypasses the normal TCP/IP flow control mechanisms. It is far
> better that once you have converted the object into a 8192 byte array
> that you give the IO layer that byte array directly - without a copy -
> and to let the TCP windows/flowcontrol etc to their stuff and write as
> much as possible of that buffer.

Am not fully sure what you are suggesting here. We could use a
ByteBuffer instead
and provide a write(ByteBuffer) if that helps. Is that what you mean?
But you are still
buffering no matter what IMHO.

> Also, if we are buffering in the API, what are the async flush
> semantics? If canWrite says 2048 bytes can be written and I write
> 1024, then do I need to flush to cause the write to actually happen?
> If so, it will be difficult to write streaming content where you want
> to write as much data as you can, but avoid sending needlessly small
> packets.

In the case of OutputStream you could use the flush method to flush the
data or we could require that the container flush the data once the
write operation
returns to allow streaming efficiently of course.

> I think we need to see some non trivial examples of the API being used
> to really judge it's usability. Examples that write objects as JSON
> or XML DOM documents etc.

Let me spend some more time trying to write one and get back to you on this.

- Rajiv

> regards