
[jsr340-experts] Re: SERVLET_SPEC-23: Help prevent infinite loops

From: Alex Rojkov <alex_at_caucho.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 18:15:41 -0800

>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I am looking at http://java.net/jira/browse/SERVLET_SPEC-23
>>>>> I plan to throw IllegalArgumentException when an infinite loop is detected.
>>>>> If you have any comment, then please let me know.
>>>> There are already dubious checks required in the request dispatcher by
>>>> the specification, which have a cost. I would like to avoid adding
>>>> additional pointless checks.
>>> +1
>> Fair point. This is certainly adding overhead to try and attempt to
>> prevent users shooting themselves in the foot.
>> If we can get into the spec that IllegalArugmentException may (rather
>> than must) be thrown at this point if invalid/silly input is provided,
>> then we can leave it up to the containers to decide how much checking
>> they want to provide in what circumstances.
>> Mark
> The check should not be complicated or too costly as each corresponding vertex has only one outgoing edge
> and also in general there is not too many vertex in the corresponding graph.
> But I understand the concern that it may introduce an overhead (no matter how small it is).
> I prefer either check it or do not check it.

I am concerned that the check would be adding cost while providing no value.
Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.


> Shing Wai Chan