I don't' know if it is anohter bug in
com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.XmlDataContentHandler, specifically
the writeTo method.
When I mix in the same JVM (Java 5) Axiom Swa and SAAJ MTOM I first
encountered the problem referred here
After downloading the saaj patched version from here
I solved this problem, but then when I use an Axiom SwA web service
client after using SAAJ I got this new error:
java.io.IOException: Unable to run the JAXP transformer on a stream
23:09:25,187 ERROR [STDERR] at
After some debugging I discovered the problem is the casting of the
Object to write to javax.xml.transform.Source (last line of following
coe fragment from XmlDataContentHandler):
if (obj instanceof DataSource) {
// Streaming transform applies only to javax.xml.transform.StreamSource
transformer.transform((Source) getContent((DataSource)obj), result);
else {
transformer.transform((Source) obj, result);
the real Exception is a ClassCastException because obj is a String.
I don't know if the Axiom way to create the MimePart content as a String
is correct but a simple change to the previous lines in
XmlDataContentHandler solves the problem:
if (obj instanceof DataSource) {
// Streaming transform applies only to
getContent((DataSource) obj),
} else {
Source src=null;
if (obj instanceof String) {
src= new StreamSource(new
java.io.StringReader((String) obj));
} else
src=(Source) obj;
transformer.transform(src, result);