Re: [SAAJ-USR] R: [SAAJ-USR] New Issue in XmlDataContentHandler

From: V B Kumar Jayanti <Vbkumar.Jayanti_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2008 17:47:38 +0530

Thanks a lot for the testcase. I will ask our QE to incorporate this as
a testcase.


Montebove Luciano wrote:

>Even if I encountered the problem using indirectly Axiom and SAAJ with Spring Web Services, here is a sample code reproducing the exception.
>The SAAJ libs are the July 5 night-build from here:
>I wrote 2 SOAP client classes generating a message with an attachment:
>AxionClient using Axiom.
>SAAJClient using SAAJ.
>The Main class calls first the AxiomClient without any exception, then calls SAAJClient without any problem, but then (as SAAJ registered XmlDataContentHandler) the next call to the AxiomClient fails with:
>Exception in thread "main" Error while writing to the OutputStream.
> at
> at AxiomClient.send(
> at Main.main(
>Caused by: Unable to run the JAXP transformer on a stream java.lang.String
> at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.XmlDataContentHandler.writeTo(
> at javax.activation.ObjectDataContentHandler.writeTo(
> at javax.activation.DataHandler.writeTo(
> at javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart.writeTo(
> at javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart.writeTo(
> at
> at
>where the real Exception masked from XmlDataContentHandler is the ClassCastException I talked about in my previous post.
>-----Messaggio originale-----
>Da: V B Kumar Jayanti [mailto:Vbkumar.Jayanti_at_Sun.COM]
>Inviato: luned́ 21 luglio 2008 8.32
>Oggetto: Re: [SAAJ-USR] New Issue in XmlDataContentHandler
>Montebove Luciano wrote:
>>I don't' know if it is anohter bug in
>>com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soap.XmlDataContentHandler, specifically
>>the writeTo method.
>>When I mix in the same JVM (Java 5) Axiom Swa and SAAJ MTOM I first
>>encountered the problem referred here
>>After downloading the saaj patched version from here
>>I solved this problem, but then when I use an Axiom SwA web service
>>client after using SAAJ I got this new error:
>> Unable to run the JAXP transformer on a stream
>>23:09:25,187 ERROR [STDERR] at
>>After some debugging I discovered the problem is the casting of the
>>Object to write to javax.xml.transform.Source (last line of following
>>coe fragment from XmlDataContentHandler):
>>if (obj instanceof DataSource) {
>>// Streaming transform applies only to javax.xml.transform.StreamSource
>> transformer.transform((Source) getContent((DataSource)obj), result);
>> }
>> else {
>> transformer.transform((Source) obj, result);
>> }
>>the real Exception is a ClassCastException because obj is a String.
>>I don't know if the Axiom way to create the MimePart content as a String
>>is correct but a simple change to the previous lines in
>>XmlDataContentHandler solves the problem:
>> if (obj instanceof DataSource) {
>> // Streaming transform applies only to
>> transformer.transform((Source)
>>getContent((DataSource) obj),
>> result);
>> } else {
>> Source src=null;
>> if (obj instanceof String) {
>> src= new StreamSource(new
>> obj));
>> } else
>> src=(Source) obj;
>> transformer.transform(src, result);
>> }
>If you can provide me a small testcase to reproduce this problem then i
>think i should definitely integrate the kind of fix that you are suggesting.
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