thanks once again. The "Attachment Tip" that you sent to us worked OK, but the problem is that we have to follow a specification to develop the web service and this specification says that the web service waits for a SOAP message where the XML contents has to be transfered into the message body, that is, we have to develop the web service that follows a WSDL file and the clients won't send SOAP messages with attachments.
Attached is the WSDL file that we have to follow. Anyway, thanks so much!
Luiz Ricardo Belém Santos
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform
----- Mensagem original ----
De: V B Kumar Jayanti <Vbkumar.Jayanti@Sun.COM>
Para: users@saaj.dev.java.net
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 27 de Setembro de 2007 9:53:16
Assunto: Re: Res: Res: [SAAJ-USR] Problems with getSOAPBody from SAAJ
Luiz Ricardo wrote:
thanks once again. We analyzed your considerations, but unfortunately we can´t use Text Attachment, as you recommended, because we really need the contents to be treated as XML for this is a project requirement that we can´t change.
Even if the content needs to be XML you can always send it as Text Attachment and then try to build a DOM Document from the Attachment XML and then throw an error if the XML is not well formed. Once you think of this approach, you can also see that you can probably try and ZIP your Attachment on the client side (to reduce its size) and then unzip it before using on the server side.
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