Re: Res: Res: [SAAJ-USR] Problems with getSOAPBody from SAAJ

From: V B Kumar Jayanti <Vbkumar.Jayanti_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 18:13:08 +0530


Luiz Ricardo wrote:

> Hi,
> thanks once again. We analyzed your considerations, but unfortunately
> we can´t use Text Attachment, as you recommended, because we really
> need the contents to be treated as XML for this is a project
> requirement that we can´t change.

You can create it as an XML attachment if that is the case. Were you
able to run the modified test anyway ?.

> About migrating this whole step to JAXWS WebService as opposed to SAAJ
> Servlet, do you think this is very costly? Because the project is very
> complex and we are late.

It depends on your comfort level with JAXWS, but yes JAXWS is very easy
and if you use NetBeans you can create a WebService in less than 10 minutes.


> Regards,
> Luiz Ricardo Belém Santos and NF-e Team
> Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform
> ----- Mensagem original ----
> De: V B Kumar Jayanti <Vbkumar.Jayanti_at_Sun.COM>
> Para:
> Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 27 de Setembro de 2007 7:51:40
> Assunto: Re: Res: [SAAJ-USR] Problems with getSOAPBody from SAAJ
> Hi,
> Thanks for the TestCase. I had to do some modifications in the
> code and actually it never hangs but yes it takes a lot of time. It
> took me 10 mins on my Windows Laptop.
> Changes made :
> 1. please do not do message.writeTo(System.out) for such huge
> messages. There is an issue in SAAJ (RFE filed) w.r.t this in the
> sense that this method tries to write the entire stream into an
> internal buffer. So i commented all un-necessary writeTo calls on
> both the client and server side
> 2. Also i saw body.toString() to create the response, i just
> changed that as well.
> 3. Also instead of keeping the SAAJ jars inside the WAR file
> WEB-INF/lib directory i installed the jars in tomcat by copying them
> to <TOMCAT_HOME>/shared/lib
> After these changes it runs fine, here are my client and server
> outputs (attached are the modified server and client WAR and JAR files)
> -------------------Client Ouput------------------
> E:\SAAJTESt>java -classpath
> .;activation.jar;webservices-api.jar;webservices-rt.
> jar
> http://localhost:8080/testcase
> server/TestCase
> Got Response=
> <env:Envelope
> xmlns:env=""><env:Body><tes
> tecaseResponse
> xmlns=""><testeca
> seResult>this is a
> response</testecaseResult></testecaseResponse></env:Body></en
> v:Envelope>
> ----------------------Client Output-----------------------
> ---------------Server Output------------------------------
> .Sep 27, 2007 4:06:19 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployWAR
> INFO: Deploying web application archive testcaseserver.war
> .....Inside ON MESSSAGE
> Time Taken=542 seconds
> , First Child=
> {}nfeRecepcaoL
> ote
> ----------------Server Output------------------------------
> but yes, it is taking about 9 to 10 mins to complete on my laptop.
> Now you should really consider using other mechanism when the content
> of the SOAPBody is Huge.
> 1. Consider making it a Text Attachment unless you really need the
> contents to be treated as XML you need not send them in Body.
> 2. If the contents of SOAPBody is Binary Data then instead of base64
> encoding it you can use JAXWS with MTOM enabled. This will ensure that
> the Binary data is transferred as an Attachment instead (allowing
> faster message transfer)
> 3. Consider migrating this whole step to JAXWS WebService as opposed
> to SAAJ Servlet.
> We have tested attachments upto 20 MB in the past and it works, i will
> try and send a modified program of yours using attachments in my next
> email.
> Thanks.
> Luiz Ricardo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> thanks for the answer! We are using SAAJ 1.3 (SOAP 1.2) + Tomcat
>> 6.0.10 + JDK 1.5.0. We are sending to you the "Reproducable Testcase"
>> where the client sends a request with nearly 400 kb and the server
>> will hang when the getSOAPBody() is invoked.
>> To execute the client use the following command:
>> java -jar testcaseclient.jar http://localhost/testcase/TestCase
>> Regards,
>> Luiz Ricardo Belém Santos and NF-e Team
>> Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform
>> ----- Mensagem original ----
>> De: V B Kumar Jayanti <Vbkumar.Jayanti_at_Sun.COM>
>> Para:
>> Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 26 de Setembro de 2007 4:02:54
>> Assunto: Re: [SAAJ-USR] Problems with getSOAPBody from SAAJ
>> Hi,
>> Which version of SAAJ are you using. Why not try using JAXWS for
>> doing this kind of things. I also see that you are doing some kind of
>> SOAP Message security, for that you can make use of WSIT.
>> If you think the problem is occuring with the latest version of
>> SAAJ then can you send us a Reproducable Testcase that i can run.
>> Thanks.
>> Luiz Ricardo wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I'm from Aracaju - SE, Brazil. I'm with problems invoking
>>> the getSOAPBody() method. It was developed a web service using the
>>> SAAJ API and subclassing SAAJServlet and now when a client sends a
>>> request with length nearly 400 kb my servlets hangs just at this
>>> point, that is, invoking the getSOAPBody() method.
>>> Follow below the piece of code:
>>> ...
>>> @Override
>>> public SOAPMessage onMessage(SOAPMessage message,
>>> HttpServletRequest request) {
>>> try {
>>> String response = null;
>>> // it hangs here!!!! :(((
>>> *SOAPBody body = message.getSOAPBody();
>>> * // recupera a URI do namespace do serviço
>>> String namespaceUri = getNamespaceUri();
>>> // recupera o conteúdo XML da área de cabeçalho da mensagem
>>> String nfeCabecMsg = body.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceUri,
>>> "nfeCabecMsg").item(0).getTextContent();
>>> // recupera o conteúdo XML da área de dados da mensagem
>>> String nfeDadosMsg = body.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceUri,
>>> "nfeDadosMsg").item(0).getTextContent();
>>> // recupera o nome do método do web service que está sendo
>>> invocado pelo cliente
>>> String metodo = body.getFirstChild().getNodeName();
>>> // testa se o nome do método invocado coincide com o nome do
>>> serviço
>>> if (!metodo.equals(getNomeMetodoServico())) {
>>> String msg = "Chamada ao método " + metodo + " quando o
>>> esperado era " + getNomeMetodoServico() + ".";
>>> logger.error(msg);
>>> throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
>>> }
>>> X509Certificate[] cert = (X509Certificate[])
>>> request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate");
>>> TORequisicaoCliente rc = new TORequisicaoCliente();
>>> rc.setXmlCabec(nfeCabecMsg);
>>> rc.setXmlDados(nfeDadosMsg);
>>> rc.setX509Cert(cert[0]);
>>> response = validacaoInicial(rc,
>>> WS_NFE_RECEPCAO.equals(getServletName()));
>>> return montarMensagemSOAP(response);
>>> } catch (DOMException dome) {
>>> logger.error("Erro ao tentar recuperar partes do corpo da
>>> mensagem SOAP.", dome);
>>> } catch (SOAPException soape) {
>>> logger.error("Erro ao tentar recuperar/criar mensagem SOAP.",
>>> soape);
>>> } catch (Exception e) {
>>> logger.error("Erro inesperado.", e);
>>> }
>>> return null;
>>> }
>>> ...
>>> Please, help us! Me and my team are waiting to resolve this problem!
>>> Any help is welcome!
>>> Regards,
>>> Luiz Ricardo Belém Santos
>>> Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform
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