RE: [SAAJ-USR] Problems with SOAPConnection (jwsdp 1.1) through auth proxy in WLS 8.1.4

From: Karr, David <>
Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 10:24:49 -0700

Yes, of course it should be sufficient, but it is not.

I have a theory that the combination of proxy-auth and basic-auth is
what's messing this up.

I think this because when I implemented this with just
commons-httpclient, it didn't work out of the box either. I had to
force it to use "preemptive authentication", which causes it to send all
of the credentials on first connection, instead of waiting for the
challenge. What I saw in Ethereal is that without preemptive
authentication, it sent some of the required headers on the first
connection, but on the response to the challenge, it didn't send all the
required headers, and the challenge response is what was used for the
next step. Since it was missing some of the required headers, the
process failed. I don't remember which headers it sent on the first
request, and which it sent on the second request. Setting preemptive
auth made it work with commons-httpclient.

I see that Axis has a way to use commons-httpclient as the connection
provider, so I'm investigating whether I can get that to work, if I can
make it use preemptive auth.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vbkumar.Jayanti_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Vbkumar.Jayanti_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: Saturday, August 19, 2006 12:38 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [SAAJ-USR] Problems with SOAPConnection (jwsdp
> 1.1) through auth proxy in WLS 8.1.4
> Hi ,
> setting system properties
> http.proxyHost
> http.proxyPort
> https.proxyHost
> https.proxyPort
> should be sufficient.
> Not sure what is happening with your WLS instance.
> regards,
> kumar
> Karr, David wrote:
> >A few weeks ago, I wrote on this list about some issues I had with
> >SOAPConnection through an authenticated proxy (and basic
> auth and SSL).
> >I resolved those problems. I have a standalone app that can send my
> >message through this, and it works fine.
> >
> >I then proceeded to develop this service call in WebLogic 8.1.4. My
> >first attempt used straight HTTP through the HTTPClient
> package. This
> >was able to get through the authorization, but I decided I'd
> prefer to
> >use a more standard framework for SOAP connections.
> >
> >I first tried using Axis, because we already had a framework
> class to
> >do this. This was failing with the following error message:
> >
> > "Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?"
> >
> >I found no useful information about this, so I decided to
> try to modify
> >the framework code to do exactly what my standalone app was doing,
> >using SOAPConnection. This is also failing, but with a
> different error
> >message:
> >
> ><Aug 15, 2006 10:19:26 AM PDT> <Error> <Net> <BEA-000903> <Failed to
> >communicate with proxy: proxy/8080. Will try connection
> www.../443 now
> >(last hostname elided).
> >
> >Note that I'm setting the same system properties and values
> in both the
> >standalone app and WLS. I've never seen really
> authoritative guidance
> >on which of those properties needs to be set, so I set all of them:
> >
> >prop[http.proxyHost] value[proxy]
> >prop[http.proxyPort] value[8080]
> >prop[http.proxySet] value[true]
> >prop[https.proxyHost] value[proxy]
> >prop[https.proxyPort] value[8080]
> >prop[proxyHost] value[proxy]
> >prop[proxyPort] value[8080]
> >
> >I've tried variations using the fully-qualified hostname for
> the proxy,
> >but that made no difference.
> >
> >I would appreciate any useful guidance on this.
> >
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