RE: [SAAJ-USR] SOAPConnection through authenticated proxy

From: Karr, David <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:18:12 -0700

I may have made a little progress on this, but I'm just getting a
different error now. The URL I'm connecting to is using https, so I
tried setting the "https.proxyHost" and "https.proxyPort" properties to
the same values as I'm setting for the "http." versions. I also added a
set of the "proxySet" property to "true".

After making these changes, sending my test message gives me the
following very quickly:

javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: Failed to send message: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns
"HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required"

Note that before I made this change, I was using Ethereal to monitor my
communication, and I saw packets going between my local IP and the
destination IP, which I should not have seen if I was going through the
proxy (my network engineer told me this).

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karr, David
> Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:55 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [SAAJ-USR] SOAPConnection through authenticated proxy
> Actually, after a little more research, I think I'm going
> down the right path, but I'm having one problem.
> I'm setting the "http.proxyHost" and "http.proxyPort" system
> properties, and I'm using the Commons Codec Base64 class to
> encode the "user:password" pair, and setting the stringified
> byte value from that on the "Proxy-Authorization" mime header.
> The result looks somewhat like this:
> String pair = getProxyUser() + ":" + getProxyCredentials();
> System.out.println("pair[" + pair + "]");
> Base64 encoder = new Base64();
> byte[] encodedBytes = encoder.encode(pair.getBytes());
> System.out.println("encoded[" + new String(encodedBytes) +
> "]"); mimeHeaders.addHeader("Proxy-Authorization",
> new String(encodedBytes));
> Unfortunately, this isn't working. I get a connection
> timeout. Before talking to someone that hosts the
> third-party service, is there anything obviously wrong with
> this that I need to fix?
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Karr, David
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:19 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [SAAJ-USR] SOAPConnection through authenticated proxy
> >
> > In the past, I've used the Jakarta Commons HttpClient package to
> > connect to external URLs through our authenticated proxy.
> > I now have some code that uses "",
> which I have
> > to use to make a call through our authenticated proxy.
> > Is there a reasonable interface that would allow me to configure
> > this? Does this require setting certain system properties?
> I imagine
> > this would be setting "http.proxyHost", at least, but I
> don't see any
> > way to set connection properties, like I'll need in order
> to send the
> > "Proxy-Authorization" HTTP header.
> >
> > I may be limited by the fact that I'm using JWSDP 1.1 (although I
> > don't see anything new in this area in JWSDP 1.3).
> >
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