[jta-spec users] Re: JTA 1.3

From: Jonathan Halliday <>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 15:36:02 +0100

awww, no shiny 2.0 yet? Oh well :-) What's the target jdk version for
1.3? specifically, can we rely on having interface extension (defender
methods) or are we still stuck with kludgy TSR style class additions here?

-4 is certainly the priority. At the risk of scope creep I'd welcome
some discussion of more general approaches to communicating resource
semantics, such that we can do variations on Last Resource Commit
Optimization / Logging Last Resource, parallel prepare, etc

-8 I'm actually a little wary of. There are nasty race conditions that
happen if the TM and RM are concurrently terminating a transaction,
causing warnings in the log files etc. For which reason, we give a
little offset to the timeout we pass to the RM. I'm all in favour of
making clear the TM should set a timeout on the resource by default, but
we should leave a little room for manoeuvre with regard to the actual
value. It's also possible that the tx timeout is mostly expired at the
time of resource enlistment, in which case the value passed to the
resource could more conservatively be based on the remaining time, not
the time originally set. Speaking of which, how do we feel about
getTransactionTimeout()/getTransactionTimeoutRemaining() ?

-9 seems like a nice usability improvement with no downside. On the
topic of exceptions I'd also like XAExceptions to require a value ctor
to ensure they have a valid code, but since they currently have a no-arg
ctor that probably comes under the heading of non-compatible change :-(
  Deprecation maybe?

-2 is a longstanding pain point for implementers, but largely invisible
to end users. I'm therefore reluctantly forced to admit it's probably
lower priority than some of the other stuff. How long do we have for
the 1.3 cycle anyhow?


On 08/23/2013 11:58 PM, Paul Parkinson wrote:
> Hello All,
> Let's crack on shall we? ;-)
> <>Below are the 6 current open
> items.
> There was definitely consensus to have JTA_SPEC-4 "support explicit
> ordering of commits […]" make it into 1.3 and I will send/continue a
> separate email thread for discussion on that.
> What does everyone think as far as priority/desire for the others? Any
> to add?
> Regards,
> Paul
> <>
> *T* *Key* *Summary* *Assignee* *Reporter* *Pr* *Status* *Res* *Created*
> *Updated* *Due* [Ascending order - Click to sort in descending order] **
> New Feature <> JTA_SPEC-4
> <> support explicit ordering of
> commits for XAResources enlisted in a transaction
> <> Unassigned paul_parkinson
> <>
> Major Open Open UNRESOLVED 20/Aug/12 04/Nov/12
> /Actions/
> <>
> New Feature <> JTA_SPEC-6
> <> Clarify transaction
> interactions/restrictions in TX Synchronization callbacks
> <> Unassigned frenchc
> <> Major
> Open Open UNRESOLVED 30/Aug/12 30/Aug/12
> /Actions/
> <>
> Improvement <> JTA_SPEC-8
> <> specify XAResource(s)
> transaction timeout value be set to the value of the encompassing JTA
> transaction's timeout value by default for portability.
> <> Unassigned paul_parkinson
> <>
> Major Open Open UNRESOLVED 11/Oct/12 11/Oct/12
> /Actions/
> <>
> New Feature <> JTA_SPEC-9
> <> new api for setRollbackOnly so
> that it can take a nested exception
> <> Unassigned paul_parkinson
> <>
> Major Open Open UNRESOLVED 10/Dec/12 10/Dec/12
> /Actions/
> <>
> Improvement <> JTA_SPEC-11
> <> elaborate on ordering
> semantics for Synchronization calls in a distributed transaction
> <> Unassigned paul_parkinson
> <>
> Major Open Open UNRESOLVED 23/Aug/13 23/Aug/13
> /Actions/
> <>
> New Feature <> JTA_SPEC-2
> <> portable way to restore
> XAResources <> Unassigned
> paul_parkinson
> <>
> Minor Open Open UNRESOLVED 07/Aug/12 07/Aug/12
> /Actions/
> <>

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