Using jsp project artifacts

From: Jan Bartel <>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2008 11:38:25 +1000


We're currently using glassfish's jsp-api and jsp impl by checking
out the srcs from cvs and building them ourselves as part of the
jetty build process.

Ideally, we'd like to be able to use api and impl artifacts published
by this project to a maven2 repository. I don't think these are currently
available on an m2 repo, are they? Is there a roadmap to when they will
be published?

We've done a first pass at building the jars ourselves from the project's
src, but ran into a coulple of issues. I'll list them here for discussion
by the dev team:

- The jsp-api-2.1 jar dependency in the pom does not incorporate the changes
  to javax.el.ExpressionFactory that is present in the glassfish sources,
  resulting in a compilation error on javax.el.ExpressionFactory.newInstance().

- The generated jar doesn't seem to include the property files, which results
  in runtime errors eg
  org/apache/japser/resources/ is missing.

- dependency eclipse-jdtcore-2.1.0 needs to be updated to 3.1.0 (or higher)
  to compile successfully if JDTJavaCompiler needs is included in the compilation.

- the packages: com/sun/appserv, com/sun/common/*, com/sun/el/* and
  com/sun/org/apache/commons/logging/* need to be on the classpath at runtime - is
  this a dependency that can be removed to make the jsp module more generic?

We'd be pleased to provide more details on any of these topics if it helps.

Jan Bartel, Webtide LLC | |