Re: JSON-B JSR Proposal

From: Przemyslaw Bielicki <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 09:06:52 +0200


finally the proposal - good start! Thanks for sharing this.

As I already expressed I would be interested in participating into the
expert group as well RI development.

I mostly agree with the JSR proposal. I think that it might be missing few
points e.g:

*Generic object-to-any-message-format-mapping.*
As we've seen with JAXB, most of it's annotations make sense for JSON and
for any other message format, except that these annotations start with @Xml
which suggests that it is devoted to XML format. If this JSR is to provide
only JSON-specific annotations it might be an overkill for developers
wanting to use both of the formats (XML and JSON) or even more if needed.
If the output of this JSR will be API with annotations starting with @Json
I can see some philosophical issues :)

What I suggest is to provide a generic (as much as possible) API that will
be useful for any message format used to serialize Java objects (and the
other way). Then we can come up with some format-specific stuff (I don't
know if there something specific for JSON) like namespaces (for XML) or
inheritance (for possible future message formats). Of course, we would
allow API extensions for message formats that don't exist at the moment but
will be in 20 years.
Then we could basically alias JAXB annotations (to make existing annotated
code compatible with the new annotations)

*JSON Schema & Schema Validation*
For most people this is not an issue but for enterprise applications schema
and schema validation is needed. At the moment JSON messages don't have any
schema so API can change without any notice and affect customers not
knowing what has changed.
In my opinion JSON schema and schema validation could be worth considering.

The question is which format use to describe the schema? JSON? XSD?

This is just my initial input.

Looking forward to working on the JSR - if accepted, of course :)

Przemyslaw BIELICKI

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 10:37 PM, Kin-man Chung <>

> Martin Grebac is leading the effort to start a JSR on Java API for JSON
> Binding (JSON-B). Attached is the proposal. If you are interested in
> JSON-B, please provide feedback in this alias, or to
> Thanks.