Hi Martin,
thanks for your feedback.
- Are there any plans to include support for JSON marshalling &
> unmarshalling in JAXB (e.g. based on JAXB annotations)?
Are you asking for MOXy, RI, or the spec? We'll certainly consider this,
but no direct plans so far,
I was asking about JAXB-RI.
I will follow up on Blaise's submission, then.
Are you guys working with him on this, or this will be a completely
separate project with separate set of annotations, reference
implementations, etc?
Ideal (IMHO) solution would be to have one set of annotations that would
serve ANY serialization/deserialization protocol (including existing ones
like Protocol Buffers [1], MessagePack [2], etc. as well as ones that will
appear in the future). I really can't imagine different set of annotations
for each protocol, can you? (well, I can, but would it be an elegant
Of course, each protocol would require a separate implementation. In the
end the only difference between different protocols is what we send over
the wire - the structure of the data is independent.
On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 2:00 PM, Martin Grebac <martin.grebac_at_oracle.com>wrote:
> Hi,
> On 14/11/13 09:55, Przemysław Bielicki wrote:
>> *Questions to JAXB leaders:*
>> - Does this mean that MOXy is the default JAXB implementation used by
>> GlassFish?
> No, it is not, which does not say it may not become so in the future. MOXy
> is the default implementation in latest versions of Weblogic though.
> - Are there any plans to create a new JSR for Java-JSON binding e.g. Java
>> API for JSON Binding?
> See Blaise's J1 talk where he discusses the submission:
> https://oracleus.activeevents.com/2013/connect/
> sessionDetail.ww?SESSION_ID=3838
> - Are there any plans to include support for JSON marshalling &
>> unmarshalling in JAXB (e.g. based on JAXB annotations)?
> Are you asking for MOXy, RI, or the spec? We'll certainly consider this,
> but no direct plans so far,
> MartiNG
> *Questions to JSONP leaders*:
>> - Are there any plans to include JSON validation (like XML schema
>> validation)?
>> - If "yes" for the previous question - how do you want to define JSON
>> schema - using JSON or XML Schema?
>> I would appreciate your feedback.
>> Cheers,
>> Przemyslaw Bielicki
>> [1] http://www.eclipse.org/eclipselink/moxy.php
>> [2] https://jaxb.java.net/
>> [3] https://jsonp.java.net
>> [4] http://java.dzone.com/articles/moxy-new-default-json-binding
> --
> Martin Grebac, SW Engineering Manager (Metro/JAXWS/JAXB RI)
> Oracle Czech, Prague
> http://blogs.oracle.com/mgrebac