Hello Przemyslaw and Jitu,
I have reported a bug in Jira for this:
Thanks for the constructive discussion.
Best regards,
Em 25/10/13 18:32, Przemysław Bielicki escreveu:
> Hi Jitu,
> > one has to walk down the tree and build those objects from the
> associated builders
> well, that's the principle of builders, isn't it? You should not build
> anything until you actually call the build() method - and in case
> pointed by Hildeberto jsonp is building / fixing stuff way before
> calling build() method.
> Either the specification or implementation is buggy, IMHO.
> @Hildeberto - I would suggest you to open a bug report in JIRA for
> this. This is definitely a bug, unless proven that it's not by Jitu
> (spec lead).
> @Jitu - can you point out exact specification paragraph where it is
> defined that you have to initialize jsonp builders in a specific order?
> Cheers,
> Przemyslaw
> On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 9:18 PM, Jitendra Kotamraju
> <jitendra.kotamraju_at_oracle.com <mailto:jitendra.kotamraju_at_oracle.com>>
> wrote:
> On 10/23/13 1:18 PM, Hildeberto Mendonça wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm creating some Json content using the Object Model API and I
>> realized that the sequence of creating JsonObjectBuilder and
>> JsonArrayBuilder actually interferes in the final result. The
>> following code won't include the categories in the resulting Json:
>> List<CategoryMenu> categories = categoryMenuBean.findCategoriesByMenu(menu);
>> JsonObjectBuilder objectBuilder = Json.createObjectBuilder();
>> JsonArrayBuilder arrayBuilderCategories = Json.createArrayBuilder();
>> objectBuilder.add("categories", arrayBuilderCategories);
>> for(CategoryMenu category: categories) {
>> arrayBuilderCategories.add(Json.createObjectBuilder()
>> .add("id", category.getId())
>> .add("name", category.getName()));
>> }
>> JsonObject model = objectBuilder.build();
>> StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter();
>> try (JsonWriter jsonWriter = Json.createWriter(strWriter)) {
>> jsonWriter.writeObject(model);
>> }
>> System.out.println(strWriter.toString()); // output = []
>> To fix the problem, I have to move the highlighted line to after
>> the iteration:
>> List<CategoryMenu> categories = categoryMenuBean.findCategoriesByMenu(menu);
>> JsonObjectBuilder objectBuilder = Json.createObjectBuilder();
>> JsonArrayBuilder arrayBuilderCategories = Json.createArrayBuilder();
>> for(CategoryMenu category: categories) {
>> arrayBuilderCategories.add(Json.createObjectBuilder()
>> .add("id", category.getId())
>> .add("name", category.getName()));
>> }
>> objectBuilder.add("categories", arrayBuilderCategories);
>> JsonObject model = objectBuilder.build();
>> StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter();
>> try (JsonWriter jsonWriter = Json.createWriter(strWriter)) {
>> jsonWriter.writeObject(model);
>> }
>> System.out.println(strWriter.toString()); // output = {"categories":[{"id":1,"name":"Plat du Jour"},{"id":2,"name":"Permanent"}]}
>> In my humble opinion it should work in both cases because it
>> gives more flexibility to the programmer. Is it supposed to work
>> like that or is it an issue?
> I don't consider it as an issue. What you are suggesting is a lazy
> construction of JsonObject/JsonArray from the associated builders
> when the final build happens. This may be ok for one level, but if
> the constructed JsonObject is big tree, then one has to walk down
> the tree and build those objects from the associated builders.
> Jitu
>> Regards,
>> Hildeberto