Looks great!
On Wednesday, 14 September 2016, 13:55, Dmitry Kornilov <dmitry.kornilov_at_oracle.com> wrote:
>I am pleased to announce the launch of the brand new JSONB web site! It’s live now and the URL is http://json-b.net. The site design and web work is contributed by Ehsan Zaery Moghaddam (@zaerymoghaddam). I am saying great thanks to him from myself and from all JSONB experts and users. Great job, Ehsan!
>The web site open source. The repository is hosted in our new JSON-B GitHub organization (https://github.com/json-b). Currently there are two repositories: this web site and a mirror of our RI repository. Feel free to go there and checkout the sources.
>The goal of making this new website is to collect all information about JSONB in one place. The structure of the web site is simple and clean. It also works perfectly on mobile phones. The web site contains Downloads page where the latest versions of RI can be downloaded, links to the spec page, JSR page and issues tracker. We also published a short “Getting Started with JSONB” guide.
>Currently there is not much content there. We are working to fill this gap. This is one of the areas where we need help from community. We need a better Getting Started guide, how to guides, FAQ and sample projects. If you would like to contribute, let me know, I am coordinating this work.
>Dmitry Kornilov