[jsonb-spec users] [jsr367-experts] [adopt-a-jsr] JsonbTransient

From: Rahman USTA <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 16:25:56 +0200

I actually like applying @JsonbTransient as class level. But, there may be
some circumstances that users may want to serialize fields that its class
has @JsonbTransient.

For the Dmitry's example;

class A {
    String aField;
    @JsonbTransient(transient=false) // Attention
    B b;

class B {
    String bField;

@JsonbTransient annotation may have a transient property that is
default=true , and users may change this behaviour by setting the transient
property like above.

What do you all think?

Rahman USTA
Istanbul JUG <>