[jsonb-spec users] Comments on EDR

From: Sebastian Daschner <>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 2016 09:08:40 +0100

Hi experts,

Thanks for the work done so far.

I have some comments / questions on the Early Draft.

1) As Section 1.2 states JAX-RS should be integrated with JSONB. Are
there already plans in which functionality such an integration will cover?

It would be very helpful for enabling Hypermedia in JSON responses to
have the possibility to create URIs to JAX-RS resources -- ideally via

For example JAX-RS's UriBuilder [1] provides helpful functionality to
create URIs. Do you think it's feasible to add something like
@JsonbResourceLink(<jaxrs-resource-class>.class, "methodName") -- idally
with the possibility to replace path params with properties of the POJO?

2) JsonbAdapter has parameterized methods rather than JsonbAdapter
itself being a parameterized type (as it is for JAXB's XmlAdapter). What
were the ideas behind this?

While implementing some examples I noticed that it would be helpful to
have concrete types of both the ValueType and the BoundType in the
method bodies, otherwise the Object's have to be casted. Or am I missing
something here?

3) Are there discussions to enable CDI integration for JsonbAdapters?
IMO a drawback of JAXB's XmlAdapter was not to be able to inject CDI
managed beans.

We often had the situation in projects that we wanted to deserialize
some primitive into a more complex object using logic from existing JEE

4) Is there a roadmap for an early version of the RI? Btw, I would be
glad to contribute if there is a need for more workforce...

