[jsonb-spec users] Regarding Java Class Mapping

From: Carlos Guzman <>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2015 16:01:14 -0400

Hi guys,
Regarding the point 4.6, not only the instantiation of classes with no
default constructor is needed, but the support of injected objects at
@JsonbCreator methods. (@JsonbInject?)
There are cases when the object requires a parent object not part of the
json document. So, before the unmarshalling operation returns the
created object, it should be properly assigned.
There should be a way to have a map of objects ready to inject, so when
the @JsonbInject is found, it should be properly assigned. (Map of
objects to inject should be available at Jsonb level or at a
Jsonb::fromJson level).
Please, see the @JsonInject implementation in Jackson, this is what I'm
talking about.
I just needed this feature few days ago and it was amazing to discover it.

Regarding the point 3.7, with the use of the @JsonbCreator, there is no
need of this restriction. Or at least make it conditional:
"Any instance passed to an unmarshalling operation must have a public or
protected no-argument constructor *if there is no JsonbCreator method
And this will fulfill the case where at least a parent (non-related
json) object is required to construct a object. I don't want to leave
open the possibility of an unassigned required-object only because the
unmarshalling operation does not support it.

Let me know your comments.