[jsonb-spec users] [jsr367-experts] Re: Re: Re: Re: [17-Customizing names]

From: Martin Grebac <>
Date: Wed, 13 May 2015 18:21:22 +0200

On 13.05.15 14:53, Martin Vojtek wrote:
> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 1:34 PM, Eugen Cepoi <
> <>> wrote:
> 2015-05-13 8:40 GMT+02:00 Martin Vojtek <
> <>>:
> Hi Experts,
> we should get some conclusion to this discussion.
> I have the following notes:
> 1. Nillable, JsonbProperty, JsonbTransient
> I don't see any problem adding nillable attribute to
> JsonbProperty annotation. The situation with JsonbTransient is
> different, because transient field is effectively not a
> JsonbProperty. I think JsonbTransient should stay as is.
> Adding target Property to JsonbProperty makes sense.
> 2. Property Naming
> I see concept of Mappers equivalent to JsonbAdapter (analogy
> to XmlAdapter). It means that JsonbAdapter should see the
> context to be able to do complex mapping between type and JSON
> fragment.
> What is the context to you? From memory there is no context in
> XmlAdapter. Also I think it could make sense to allow users to
> register Adapters directly to JsonB (using the builder or config)
> vs only via annotations.
> Right now I don't know exactly what information JsonbAdapter needs,
> but the idea behind context is that JsonbAdapter should be able to
> override as much as possible behavior of default mapping. One option
> is to give access to JsonbConfig. It allows to change behavior when
> some property is set. The other option is to have access to
> information what has already been processed. For example if there is
> dependency between objects in JSON. Another interesting option is
> possibility to skip some part of json, or to change some behavior
> during processing of the JSON. But maybe there should be no context
> and to keep the concept of JsonbAdapter simple in version 1.0.
> Composition of Mappings looks like an advanced feature and
> maybe it should be postponed to future spec version.
> By composition of mappings do you think of allowing users to
> provide an Adapter/Mapper for some type that uses another
> registered adapters/mappers?
> For example I provide an PersonsAdapter<List<Person>> but inside I
> don't want to deal with the mapping of each entry and want to
> delegate to the default adapter of person.
IMO we should keep it simple, unless there's obvious reason to not do
so. I'd like to see clearer need for the context and more complex
usecases here.

> 3. Property Order
> Case insensitive mapping is special, because it is not 1:1
> mapping. To make PropertyOrderStrategy simple, it should
> support only 1:1 mapping. In that case PropertyOrderPolicy
> should not implement PropertyOrderStrategy. I am not sure if
> there is a need to introduce Accessor class. In this case
> simple String -> String mapping (accessor name -> JSON key)
> should work. Implementations could provide some internal
> mechanism to call this function only once per property.
> I guess you are talking about naming and mean
> PropertyNamingStrategy and PropertyNamingPolicy.
> You are right, I was thining about different things at once and at the
> end I have messed it into one point ...
> Even if I like the names "strategy" and "policy" (who doesn't,
> this sounds pretty cool :)) I find them confusing when used together.
> I think both mean the same thing :)
> I'm not that good in inventing names :) If you have better names, it
> is still possible to change that.
> To me there are two things with some common parts:
> - Resolve names (using Java Bean convetion/Annotations/Other)
> - Translate the string to another string
> (lower/upper/dashed/underscore/blabla)
> +1
> The first one could deal directly with "properties" where the
> second one takes the resolved name and translates it.
> So here we have the choice of:
> - Have two separate concepts. One interface PropertyNameResolver
> that deals with properties or some abstraction. And a
> PropertyNamingStrategy/Policy interface that takes a string and
> returns another string (and provides the default impls as static
> attributes of the interface).
> - Or we consider that the name resolution is relatively fixed
> and handled inside the spec impl, thus we expose only the naming
> strategy/policy. Though I think this too is probably even more
> fixed...
> - Or we expose only the name resolution API
> No matter the choice, I'd be for providing default impls for all
> those inside the spec. There aren't many ways to implement a name
> resolution from java bean or annotations, neither to translate
> camel case to underscore...
> Agree with default impls + two separate concepts.
My first comment applies here, too. If we're thinking the most of the
need is going to be covered by the spec implementation, then is there
really a need for the flexibility? What are the usecases which this
would be covering?
