[jsonb-spec users] Re: [jsr367-experts] Re: Re: [2-DefaultMapping] Proposal

From: Martin Vojtek <>
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2015 19:17:43 +0200

Hi Oleg,

thank you very much for your feedback!

Response is inlined below.


On Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 5:37 PM, Oleg Tsal-Tsalko <>

> Hi guys,
> More feedback on default mapping:
> 1) We have following examples for JAXP structures mapping:
> JsonStructure jsonStructure = jsonb.fromJson("{\"name\":\"unknown
> object\"}", JsonStructure.class);
> JsonObject jsonStructure = jsonb.fromJson("{\"name\":\"unknown object\"}",
> JsonObject.class);
> Does it makes sense to have following example:
> JsonObject jsonStructure = (JsonObject)jsonb.fromJson("{\"name\":\"unknown
> object\"}", JsonStructure.class);
> just to emphasize that in runtime correct JsonStructutre instantiated?
> Or it should be part of TCK rather then another example?

Examples are just supporting discussion leading to specification. TCK will
be implemented based on specification, and examples (not included in pdf)
will be not part of that specification. The content of the specification
will be the single source of the truth.

I this case, there is one sentence in the proposed specification:
Unmarshalling into supported javax.json.* objects/interfaces/fields MUST
have the same result as unmarshalling into such objects with

You could (and it would be really great) propose new statements or changes
in the current statements.

> 2) I didn't find examples for deserializing JSON with missing fields into
> POJO which should result in null values I expect such as:
> POJO pojo = jsonb.fromJson("{\"id\":1}", POJO.class);
> assertEquals(1,;
> assertNull(;
There is one example in fromJson_nullValues(Jsonb jsonb)

//java object
POJOWithInitialValue pojoWithInitialValue =
jsonb.fromJson("{\"name\":\"newName\"}", POJOWithInitialValue.class);
assert( == 4);

In specification, there is following statement:

Unmarshalling operation of a property absent in JSON document MUST not
set the value
of the field, setter (if available) MUST not be called, thus original
value of the field MUST be preserved.

3) I didn't find example that shows is it allowed to use POJOs with private
> fields without getters/setters?

There is no such example.

There is no restriction on private, so it is definitely supported (maybe it
should be specified explicitly):

  For unmarshalling operation for a Java property, if a matching setter
method exists, the method is called to set the value of the property,
otherwise direct field assignment is used.

4) Agree on restricting usage of static/final/transient fields and
> private/overloaded constructors for POJOs used for ser/deser JSON data,
> however disagree with not supporting deserialization of unknown fields.
> Why not ignore all not mapped content of JSON doc during deserialization
> rather then dictate strict one-to-one correspondence of JSON doc to POJO?
> It will give user much more flexibility where he/she wants to map only
> part of JSON doc he/she interested in.

The proposed default mapping strategy is fail fast with strict (in one way)
correspondence. I intend to propose customization which can change this

It would be helpful to hear some other opinions on this topic.

> 5) [TYPO]: Function DefaultMapping#toJson_Anonymous_Class. Look like
> instead of:
> assertEquals("{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"pojoName\"}", new POJO() {...})
> it should be
> assertEquals("{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"pojoName\"}", jsonb.toJson(new POJO()
> {...}))
> 6) [TYPO]: DefaultMapping line 834:
> uri = new"");
> assertEquals("\"\"",
> jsonb.toJson(uri));
> 7) [TYPO]: DefaultMapping line 1034. Should be:
> assertEquals("{\"optionalField\":\"value\"}", jsonb.toJson(optionalClass));
> instead of
> assertEquals("{\"optionalField\":\"value\"}", optionalClass);
Typos will be fixed asap :)

> Have a great Easter!
> Thank you,
> Oleg