[jsonb-spec users] Re: [jsr367-experts] Re: Re: [2-DefaultMapping] Proposal

From: Martin Vojtek <>
Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 11:42:09 +0200

As there is consensus, that partial mapping (Must-Ignore policy) is useful
and important to have by default, I will change that in spec and examples.


On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 11:24 AM, Martin Grebac <>

> On 06.04.15 20:36, Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:
>> The proposed default mapping strategy is fail fast with strict (in one
>> way) correspondence. I intend to propose customization which can change
>> this behavior.
>> It would be helpful to hear some other opinions on this topic.
>> it is super common to map a sub tree of the whole JSon (check github rest
>> endpoints for instance, you never use everything) so by default I think it
>> should deserialize what it can. All missing mapping should be ignored. That
>> is also what do (almost) all mappers - including jaxb - AFAIK.
> I agree, this also corresponds with I-JSON RFC 7493 4.2 Must-Ignore
> policy. My proposal will be to follow I-JSON (there are few small other
> areas where we differ in defaults) for the default behaviour of
> marshalling/unmarshalling where applicable.
> MartiNG