[jsonb-spec users] Re: [jsr367-experts] Re: Re: [1-RuntimeAPI] Proposal

From: Martin Grebac <>
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 2015 13:13:15 +0100

On 28.02.15 18:05, Oleg Tsal-Tsalko wrote:
> 1. Don't we want to add fallback option to
> JsonbProvider#provide(String className) method to load class
> directly using ClassLoader if no class found using
> ServiceLoader
> similar to default JsonbProvider#provide() method?
> Are you looking to solve a specific usecase? We already have a
> specific provider lookup using provider name (which should support
> also jdk9 module mode without changes in future):
> public static JsonbProvider provider(final String providerName) {
> I meant changing existing implementation of
> public static JsonbProvider provider(final String providerName)
> to class load provider class directly as fall back option if no such
> provider found using ServiceLoader
> as in
> public static JsonbProvider provider()
I see, understand now. I consider throwing an exception here better,
because the user is explicitly requesting specific provider. So the
implementation should not choose something different and should let the
user know the expected provider could not be found/instantiated.

> 1. It was already discussed couple of times however why not
> support
> JVM params to specify JSON-B Provider to be used in runtime
> similar to specifying TransformerFactory impl in JAXP for
> example?
> It might be usefull in some cases and will preserve
> consistency
> with other specs. Imagine you have couple of provider libs in
> classpath and would like in runtime to specify which one
> to use
> without recompiling/rebuilding project. How can we cover
> this use
> case with specific JsonbConfig as some of you suggested?
> Are you missing this option in JSON-P as well? Looking at
> consistency, we should be looking at multiple places.
> Didn't use JSON-P in practice so far. Was referring to JAXP
> specification as an example...
I'm not opposing here, I'm trying to figure out whether there really is
the need, or the above methods are enough. JSON-P e.g. does not define
any such overriding mechanism, does not even define the possibility to
request specific provider. JSON-P is with us for some time and so far I
haven't seen any requests for overriding.

> The problem is this implementation is missing a method for
> generic, provider specific properties, which will make the
> immutability and thread safety hard to achieve. We need an
> extension mechanism to support provider specific features.
> Also, my motivation was to avoid creating multiple instances of
> JsonbConfig in every simple case even if e.g. one just wants to
> quickly set a pretty printing on existing configuration to e.g.
> log some messages.
> We can just add one more method to JsonbConfigBuilder then:
> JsonbConfigBuilder withSpecificProperty(String propertyName,
> Object propertyValue)
Right. With this you have JCB itself immutable, but not the
configuration as such. Object (say some collection) is still mutable.

> However if we really want to leave JsonbConfig object mutable in
> runtime to quickly change some configuration then we probably need to
> explicitly highlight in specification that JsonbConfig is not thread
> safe and could be modified in runtime.

> I saw you've added:
> Map<String, Object> getAsMap()
> probably with intention to use this method inside JsonbBuilder to pass
> unmodifiable Map of props into Jsonb object contractor,
> however I would rather use JsonbConfig container itself to pass into
> Jsonb object during construction. WDYT?
Right, though it has the same problem as described above. Without deep
clone one still has to face mutability. This method allows a clone to be
done within the method calls before Jsonb objects are constructed.

> 1. As has been already proposed lets provide API examples as unit
> tests which should pass using mocks or dummy implementation
> instead of main method classes that are failing.
> At this early stage, compiling the examples should be enough, as
> mentioned they are more to guide the discussion.
> Having unit test style examples carefully structured will make
> examples more readable and clear with later ease to make them actually
> runnable.
> It's not big effort to do anyway...
In general I understand the test obsession - I'd myself be obsessed as
well :) - this being a regular implementation project. Though here
actually *not* having the examples in the form of tests makes sense,
because they are not expected to be so, and besides writing them in such
a way is an unnecessary complication. There will be hundreds times more
tests within RI implementation or TCK required than just these few
within examples, so I don't want anyone to think these are normatives or

> Also one item been missed:
> Is it ever possible that JsonbConfig#getProperty()/setProperty()
> methods will throw JsonbConfigException is they are simply calling
> Map#get()/put() methods?Thus JsonbConfigException looks redundant
> for now at all and methods signatures + javadocs should be fixed?
Thanks, somehow this got dropped - makes sense.
