[jsonb-spec users] [jsr367-experts] [ADMIN] Proposing new Expert Group member

From: Martin Grebac <>
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2015 13:36:59 +0100

  based on Expert Group
Composition rules, to increase company and opinion diversity behind JSON
Binding specification, I'd like to propose adding new member to the
Expert Group:

Romain Manni-Bucau (Tomitribe)
I am one of the founders of Apache Johnzon which is a JSON-P 
implementation hosted at Apache and the creator of Johnzon Mapper which 
is json-java mapping solution. JSON-P and Johnzon Mapper is integrated 
in Apache TomEE (JavaEE 6 and soon 7 server), which is one aspect of our 
expertise at Tomitribe. We commonly use it for Open Source projects or 
customer applications and enhance it when we miss features.
  If I don't receive any objections by Friday, March 6th, I will accept 
Romain to JSR 367 EG.