[jsonb-spec users] [jsr367-experts] Re: Re: Re: Re: [2-DefaultMapping] Proposal

From: Oleg Tsal-Tsalko <>
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 10:35:23 +0200

Hi Eugen,

What do you mean that below already covered by existing methods?

>>> public JSONObject fromJson(String str) throws JsonbException; // Not
necessary exactly JSONObject class but just an idea

2015-02-21 23:10 GMT+02:00 Eugen Cepoi <>:

> Hey Oleg,
> Le 21 févr. 2015 12:29, "Oleg Tsal-Tsalko" <> a
> écrit :
> >
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I'm from Kiev JUG and we (together with Olena Syrota and Andrii
> Rodionov) decided to take part in JSON-B spec efforts.
> > Hopefully our involvement will be useful for our collective success.
> > We've reviewed work done so far and have some comments/suggestions that
> I'll send in separate email a bit later.
> >
> > Right now just couple of my thoughts near default mapping examples
> provided by Martin Vojtek and discussion above:
> > 1) Agree that we should address and discuss parametrized types usage
> separately from main basic scenarios. However it might be really good idea
> to pass TypeToken<T> or smith similar instead of Class<T> params to
> fromJson(...) methods to pass type information in runtime as proposed in
> separate email thread.
> Yes but rather both instead of only typetoken, as the common scenario is
> deser to a pojo.
> > 2) Reg basic scenarios, I can see two diff ways how unmarshalling will
> be used in general by end users:
> >>
> >> a) To unmarsall JSON snippet into concrete domain class (as supported
> by current methods in Jsonb interface)
> >>
> >> b) To unmarshall JSON into generic/default objects structure. I like 2
> proposed variants here:
> >>>
> >>> public <T> T fromJson(String str) throws JsonbException; // assume
> Object.class as a type
> Would be a shortcut for a unique use case not so common...but why not...
> >>>
> >>> public JSONObject fromJson(String str) throws JsonbException; // Not
> necessary exactly JSONObject class but just an idea
> Hum, it is already covered by the existing methods.
> > Thus adding whole lot of specific methods like:
> >>
> >> public <T> List<T> fromJsonList(String str, Class<T> type) throws
> JsonbException;
> >>
> >> public <T> Map<String, T> fromJsonMap(String str, Class<T> type) throws
> JsonbException;
> >>
> >> public <E extends Enum<E>> EnumSet<E> fromJsonEnumSet(String str,
> Class<E> type) throws JsonbException;
> >>
> >> public <E extends Enum<E>, T> EnumMap<E, T> fromJsonEnumMap(String str,
> Class<E> enumType, Class<T> valueType) throws JsonbException;
> >
> > looks overcomplicated and redundant for me and I don't see much benefit
> from it as for end users.
> >
> Ouch, missed those... I agree 100%, don't add this kind of methods.
> > Thank you,
> > Oleg
> >
> > 2015-02-18 14:26 GMT+02:00 Martin Vojtek <>:
> >>
> >> Hi Przemyslaw,
> >>
> >> thank you very much for going through the examples.
> >>
> >> comments below.
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> Martin
> >>
> >>> On 17 Feb 2015, at 20:40, Przemyslaw Bielicki <>
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi Martin,
> >>>
> >>> thanks for sharing this.
> >>>
> >>> First comment is the same I made to MartiNG: I would appreciate your
> test in a form of JUnit test. You put a lot of effort in this and you will
> have to rewrite / refactor a lot of code to make it unit test after all.
> Yes, I know it should not and does not run but I just don't see the value
> of main() method instead of proper JUnit class(es) - (you even implemented
> your own assertEquals method - don't want to be impolite but it just does
> not make sense :).
> >>>
> >>
> >> according to JUnit, I am not sure if it is correct to define standard
> in terms of non-standard tools. I will also participate in reference
> implementation and JUnit is the most appropriate choice for testing
> framework. These examples serve the purpose of discussion ground, and maybe
> will not be part of the published standard, so this rule could be relaxed.
> I need to think about it a bit.
> >>
> >>> I don't understand these lines:
> >>>
> >>> Map<String, Object> map =
> (LinkedHashMap<String,Object>)jsonb.fromJson("{\"name\":\"unknown
> object\"}", Object.class);
> >>>
> >>> Collection<Object> collection =
> (ArrayList<Object>)jsonb.fromJson("[{\"value\":\"first\"},
> {\"value\":\"second\"}]", Object.class);
> >>>
> >>> Why did you use Object.class parameter instead of Map.class and
> Collection.class accordingly?
> >>>
> >>
> >> The reason behind Object.class is that I want to show support for
> Object.class. The alternative is to throw some Exception for this case.
> There is also use case, when I want to allow user to specify Object.class,
> and unmarshal whatever valid json. If this json is list, the result will be
> Collection (specifically ArrayList of Objects), or Map (specifically
> LinkedHashMap<String, Object>).
> >>
> >>> This is kind of verbose (IMO unnecessarily):
> >>>
> >>> EnumSet<Language> languageEnumSet1 =
> (EnumSet<Language>)jsonb.fromJson("[\"Slovak\", \"English\"]",
> DefaultMapping.class.getField("languageEnumSet").getType());
> >>>
> >>> EnumMap<Language, String> languageEnumMap1 = (EnumMap<Language,
> String>)jsonb.fromJson("[\"Slovak\" : \"sk\", \"Czech\" : \"cz\"]",
> DefaultMapping.class.getField("languageEnumMap").getType());
> >>>
> >>> I would change it to:
> >>>
> >>> EnumSet<Language> languageEnumSet1 = jsonb.fromJson("[\"Slovak\",
> \"English\"]", languageEnumSet.getClass());
> >>> EnumMap<Language, String> languageEnumMap1 = (EnumMap<Language,
> String>)jsonb.fromJson("[\"Slovak\" : \"sk\", \"Czech\" : \"cz\"]",
> languageEnumMap.getClass());
> >>>
> >>> this also requires adding static keyword to languageEnumSet and
> languageEnumMap fields.
> >>>
> >>
> >> In this case, getClass() returns concrete class (e.g. RegularEnumSet).
> Reflection deals with class files, so the result is EnumSet.
> >>
> >> Intention of this code was to try to not to deal with generics, but to
> show I want to provide generic type. Unfortunately use of reflection in
> this case is also wrong, because the result will be EnumSet<E>.
> >>
> >> I can put there some not supported hack like this, but the discussion
> about generics should be in separate thread:
> >>
> >> ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType)new
> HashSet<EnumSet<Language>>() {}.getClass().getGenericSuperclass();
> >> EnumSet<Language> languageEnumSet =
> (EnumSet<Language>)jsonb.fromJson("[\"Slovak\", \"English\"]",
> parameterizedType.getActualTypeArguments()[0]);
> >>
> >>
> >> Maybe the best way is to put there getClass() proposed by you. (and not
> deal with generics in default mapping examples).
> >>
> >>> In the inheritance test the input and output JSONs are not the same:
> >>> {"age":5, "dog":{"name":"Rex"}}
> >>> vs.
> >>> {"age":5,"name":"Rex"}
> >>>
> >>> it's a typo?
> >>>
> >>
> >> It’s a typo, should be
> >>
> >> Dog animal = jsonb.fromJson("{\"age\":5, \"name\":\"Rex\"}}",
> Dog.class);
> >>
> >>
> >>> Expect few more comments from my side. I'm short in time this week,
> thus I need to split my email into smaller pieces.
> >>>
> >>> Cheers,
> >>> Przemyslaw
> >>>
> >>> On Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 8:26 PM, Martin Vojtek <
>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> I have pushed new branch default_mapping, which contains initial
> examples for default mapping.
> >>>>
> >>>> There are also comments, which contain information about concepts
> like null handling and default field access strategy.
> >>>>
> >>>> Default mapping of dates and generics handling is not part of this
> commit and will be addressed separately.
> >>>>
> >>>> Looking forward to your feedback.
> >>>>
> >>>> Thank you,
> >>>> Martin Vojtek
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >