package com.sun.cadre.handlers; import com.sun.jsftemplating.annotation.Handler; import com.sun.jsftemplating.annotation.HandlerInput; import com.sun.jsftemplating.annotation.HandlerOutput; import com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.HandlerContext; import com.sun.jsftemplating.component.dataprovider.MultipleListDataProvider; import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.TableRowGroup; import com.sun.webui.jsf.component.TableRowGroup; import com.sun.cadre.common.DataAccessLayer; import com.sun.cadre.common.QueryBuilder; import java.sql.SQLException; import javax.sql.rowset.RowSetMetaDataImpl; import com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; // =========================================== CADRE USAGE REPORTS =============================================== public class TableHandlers { @Handler(id = "getRepUsageTableData", output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "tableData", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchRepUsageTableData(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchRepUsageTableData ..."); List tableData = new ArrayList(); try { DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getRepWebUsage(); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); int rows = 0; while ( { Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(i)); if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()); tableData.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } } catch (SQLException sqlE) { sqlE.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("repUsageTableData rows: " + tableData.size()); context.setOutputValue("tableData", tableData); } @Handler(id = "getDef4TableData", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "toolName", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "tableData", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchDef4TableData(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchDef4TableData..."); String toolName = (String) context.getInputValue("toolName"); //System.out.println("toolName: " +toolName); List tableData = new ArrayList(); try { DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getToolUsgAcrossLavaVers(toolName.trim()); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); int rows = 0; while ( { Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(i)); if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()); tableData.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } } catch (SQLException sqlE) { sqlE.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("def4TableData rows: " + tableData.size()); context.setOutputValue("tableData", tableData); } @Handler(id = "getDef3TableData", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "lavaVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "buildVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "toolName", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "tableData", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchDef3TableData(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchDef3TableData..."); String lavaVersion = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaVersion"); String buildVersion = (String) context.getInputValue("buildVersion"); String toolName = (String) context.getInputValue("toolName"); //System.out.println("lavaVersion: " +lavaVersion+ " buildVersion: " +buildVersion+ " toolName: " +toolName); List tableData = new ArrayList(); try { DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); String newBuild = dal.getDailyBuild(lavaVersion, buildVersion); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getToolUsgForDailyBuild(lavaVersion.trim(), newBuild.trim(), toolName.trim()); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); int rows = 0; while ( { Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(i)); if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()); tableData.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } } catch (SQLException sqlE) { sqlE.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("def3TableData rows: " + tableData.size()); context.setOutputValue("tableData", tableData); } @Handler(id = "getDef2TableData", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "lavaVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "toolName", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "startDate", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "endDate", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "sDate", type = String.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "eDate", type = String.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "tableData", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchDef2TableData(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchDef2TableData..."); String lavaVersion = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaVersion"); String toolName = (String) context.getInputValue("toolName"); String startDate = (String) context.getInputValue("startDate"); String endDate = (String) context.getInputValue("endDate"); String sDate = null; String eDate = null; if (startDate.length() != 0) { sDate = convertTStoDate(startDate); } if (endDate.length() != 0) { eDate = convertTStoDate(endDate); } //System.out.println("lavaVersion: " +lavaVersion+ " toolName: " +toolName); //System.out.println("startDate: " +startDate+ " endDate: " +endDate); //System.out.println("startDate: " +sDate+ " endDate: " +eDate); List tableData = new ArrayList(); try { DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getUsageOverDuration(lavaVersion.trim(), toolName.trim(), sDate.trim(), eDate.trim()); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); int rows = 0; while ( { Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(i)); if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()); tableData.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } } catch (SQLException sqlE) { sqlE.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("def2TableData rows: " + tableData.size()); context.setOutputValue("sDate", sDate); context.setOutputValue("eDate", eDate); context.setOutputValue("tableData", tableData); } @Handler(id = "getDef5TableData", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "lavaProject", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "majorBuildsOption", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "startDate", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "endDate", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "sDate", type = String.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "eDate", type = String.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "tableData", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchDef5TableData(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchDef5TableData..."); String project = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaProject"); String majorBuildsOption = (String) context.getInputValue("majorBuildsOption"); String startDate = (String) context.getInputValue("startDate"); String endDate = (String) context.getInputValue("endDate"); boolean majorBuildFlag = true; if (majorBuildsOption.equals("false")) { majorBuildFlag = false; } String sDate = null; String eDate = null; if (startDate.length() != 0) { sDate = convertTStoDate(startDate); } if (endDate.length() != 0) { eDate = convertTStoDate(endDate); } //System.out.println("lavaProject: " +project+ " majorBuildsOption: " +majorBuildsOption); //System.out.println("startDate: " +startDate+ " endDate: " +endDate); //System.out.println("sDate: " +sDate+ " eDate: " +eDate); //System.out.println(majorBuildFlag); List tableData = new ArrayList(); try { DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getUsageOverBuilds(project.trim(), sDate.trim(), eDate.trim(), majorBuildFlag); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); int rows = 0; while ( { Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(i)); if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()); tableData.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } } catch (SQLException sqlE) { sqlE.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("def5TableData rows: " + tableData.size()); context.setOutputValue("sDate", sDate); context.setOutputValue("eDate", eDate); context.setOutputValue("tableData", tableData); } @Handler(id = "getCustomQueryData", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "userName", type = Object.class), @HandlerInput(name = "toolName", type = Object.class), @HandlerInput(name = "project", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "feature", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "platform", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "build", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "lavaRelease", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "db", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "startDate", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "endDate", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "customQueryTableData", type = java.util.List.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "sDate", type = String.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "eDate", type = String.class) }) public static void fetchCustomQueryTableData(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchCustomQueryTableData..."); Object[] userName = (Object[]) context.getInputValue("userName"); Object[] toolName = (Object[]) context.getInputValue("toolName"); String project = (String) context.getInputValue("project"); String feature = (String) context.getInputValue("feature"); String platform = (String) context.getInputValue("platform"); String build = (String) context.getInputValue("build"); String lavaRelease = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaRelease"); String db = (String) context.getInputValue("db"); String startDate = (String) context.getInputValue("startDate"); String endDate = (String) context.getInputValue("endDate"); String sDate = null; String eDate = null; QueryBuilder qBuilder = new QueryBuilder(); if (startDate != null) { if (startDate.length() != 0) { sDate = convertTStoDate(startDate); qBuilder.setStart_date(sDate); } } if (endDate != null) { if (endDate.length() != 0) { eDate = convertTStoDate(endDate); qBuilder.setEnd_date(eDate); } } ArrayList userNameList = new ArrayList(); if (userName.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < userName.length; i++) { userNameList.add(userName[i].toString()); } qBuilder.setUsers(userNameList); } //System.out.println("userNameList length: " +userNameList.size()); /* if (userName.length() > 0) { userNameList = convertToAList(userName); qBuilder.setUsers(userNameList); } */ ArrayList toolNameList = new ArrayList(); if (toolName.length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < toolName.length; j++) { toolNameList.add(toolName[j].toString()); } qBuilder.setTools(toolNameList); } //System.out.println("toolNameList length: " +toolNameList.size()); /* if (toolName.length() > 0) { toolNameList = convertToAList(toolName); qBuilder.setTools(toolNameList); } */ ArrayList projectList = new ArrayList(); if (project != null) { if (project.length() > 0) { projectList = convertToAList(project); qBuilder.setProjects(projectList); } } //System.out.println("projectList length: " +projectList.size()); ArrayList featureList = new ArrayList(); if (feature != null) { if (feature.length() > 0) { featureList = convertToAList(feature); qBuilder.setFeatures(featureList); } } //System.out.println("featureList length: " +featureList.size()); ArrayList platformList = new ArrayList(); if (platform != null) { if (platform.length() > 0) { platformList = convertToAList(platform); qBuilder.setPlatforms(platformList); } } //System.out.println("platformList length: " +platformList.size()); ArrayList buildList = new ArrayList(); if (build != null) { if (build.length() > 0) { buildList = convertToAList(build); qBuilder.setBuilds(buildList); } } //System.out.println("buildList length: " +buildList.size()); ArrayList lavaReleaseList = new ArrayList(); if (lavaRelease != null) { if (lavaRelease.length() > 0) { lavaReleaseList = convertToAList(lavaRelease); qBuilder.setLavaversions(lavaReleaseList); } } //System.out.println("lavaReleaseList length: " +lavaReleaseList.size()); qBuilder.setDatabase_name(db); ArrayList out_columns = new ArrayList(); out_columns.add("all"); qBuilder.setOutput_columns(out_columns); //System.out.println(" project: " +project+ "lavaRelease: " +lavaRelease+ " db: " +db); //System.out.println("feature: " +feature+ " platform: " +platform+ " build: " +build); //System.out.println("startDate: " +startDate+ " endDate: " +endDate); //System.out.println("startDate: " +sDate+ " endDate: " +eDate); List customQueryTableData = new ArrayList(); try { CachedRowSetImpl crs = qBuilder.Execute(); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); int rows = 0; while ( { Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(i)); if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()); customQueryTableData.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } } catch (SQLException sqlE) { sqlE.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("customQueryTableData rows: " + customQueryTableData.size()); context.setOutputValue("customQueryTableData", customQueryTableData); context.setOutputValue("sDate", sDate); context.setOutputValue("eDate", eDate); } @Handler(id = "getUsageSummaryTableData", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "lavaVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "buildVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "toolName", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "usageSummaryTableData", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchUsageSummaryTableData(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchUsageSummaryTableData..."); String lava = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaVersion"); String build = (String) context.getInputValue("buildVersion"); String tool = (String) context.getInputValue("toolName"); //System.out.println("lava: " +lava+ ", build: " +build); ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.sun.cadre.resources.Resources"); String projects = bundle.getString(lava.concat("_projects")); String[] pSplit = projects.split(" "); ArrayList projectsList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < pSplit.length; i++) { projectsList.add(pSplit[i]); } List usageTableData = new ArrayList(); try { //System.out.println("In fetchUsageSummaryTableData try block..."); DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); String newBuild = dal.getDailyBuild(lava, build); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getUsageSummary(lava.trim(), newBuild.trim(), projectsList, tool); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); //System.out.println("Column count is: " + rsmd.getColumnCount()); int rows = 0; while ( { //System.out.println("In while loop: " + rows); Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(i)); if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()+ " : " +rEntries.get("col4").toString()+ " : " +rEntries.get("col5").toString()); usageTableData.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } //System.out.println("Table rows: " + rows); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("usageSummaryTableData rows: " + usageTableData.size()); context.setOutputValue("usageSummaryTableData", usageTableData); } @Handler(id = "getNewUsageSummaryTableData", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "lavaVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "buildVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "toolName", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "usageSummaryTableData", type = java.util.List.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "columnHeaders", type = java.util.List.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "columnValues", type = java.util.List.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "columnSorts", type = java.util.List.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "columnWidths", type = java.util.List.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "columnSpacers", type = java.util.List.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "columnAligns", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchNewUsageSummaryTableData(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchNewUsageSummaryTableData..."); String lava = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaVersion"); String build = (String) context.getInputValue("buildVersion"); String tool = (String) context.getInputValue("toolName"); //System.out.println("lava: " +lava+ ", build: " +build); List columnValues = new ArrayList(); List columnHeaders = new ArrayList(); List columnSorts = new ArrayList(); List columnWidths = new ArrayList(); List columnSpacers = new ArrayList(); List columnAligns = new ArrayList(); columnHeaders.add("Tool/Flow"); columnAligns.add("left"); Hashtable settingsHash = new Hashtable(); DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); settingsHash = dal.getWebReportSettings(); String projects = settingsHash.get(lava.concat("_projects")).toString().trim(); String[] pSplit = projects.split(" "); ArrayList projectsList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < pSplit.length; i++) { projectsList.add(pSplit[i]); columnHeaders.add(pSplit[i]); } columnHeaders.add(" "); List usageTableData = new ArrayList(); try { //System.out.println("In fetchUsageSummaryTableData try block..."); String newBuild = dal.getDailyBuild(lava, build); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getUsageSummary(lava.trim(), newBuild.trim(), projectsList, tool); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); //System.out.println("Column count is: " + rsmd.getColumnCount()); int rows = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { String temp = "#{tRow.value.col" + i + "}"; String temp2 = "col" + i; columnValues.add(temp); columnSorts.add(temp2); columnSpacers.add("#{false}"); columnWidths.add(" "); if (i != 1) { columnAligns.add("right"); } } columnValues.add(" "); columnSorts.add("${null}"); columnAligns.add("right"); columnSpacers.add("#{true}"); if (pSplit.length < 4) { columnWidths.add("80%"); } else { if (pSplit.length == 4 && pSplit.length < 8) { columnWidths.add("60%"); } else { if (pSplit.length == 8 && pSplit.length > 10) { columnWidths.add("30%"); } else { columnWidths.add("10%"); } } } while ( { //System.out.println("In while loop: " + rows); Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println(columnHeaders.get(i)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(1)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(i)); String project = null; if (i != 1) { project = projectsList.get(i - 2); } String toolName = crs.getObject(1).toString().trim(); String entry = crs.getObject(i).toString().trim(); String tmp = null; if (i != 1) { tmp = "" + entry + ""; } else { tmp = crs.getObject(1).toString().trim(); } if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, tmp); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()+ " : " +rEntries.get("col4").toString()+ " : " +rEntries.get("col5").toString()); usageTableData.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } //System.out.println("Table rows: " + rows); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("usageSummaryTableData rows: " + usageTableData.size()); //System.out.println("columnHeaders rows: " + columnHeaders.size()); //System.out.println("columnValues rows: " + columnValues.size()); context.setOutputValue("usageSummaryTableData", usageTableData); context.setOutputValue("columnHeaders", columnHeaders); context.setOutputValue("columnValues", columnValues); context.setOutputValue("columnSorts", columnSorts); context.setOutputValue("columnWidths", columnWidths); context.setOutputValue("columnSpacers", columnSpacers); context.setOutputValue("columnAligns", columnAligns); } @Handler(id = "getTable1Data", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "lavaVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "buildVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "lavaProject", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "table1Data", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchTable1Data(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchTable1Data..."); String lava = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaVersion"); String build = (String) context.getInputValue("buildVersion"); String project = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaProject"); //System.out.println("lava: " +lava+ ", build: " +build+ ", project: " +project); List t1Data = new ArrayList(); try { //System.out.println("In fetchTable1Data try block..."); DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); String newBuild = dal.getDailyBuild(lava, build); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getFirstLevelUsageStats(lava.trim(), newBuild.trim(), project.trim()); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); //System.out.println("Column count is: " + rsmd.getColumnCount()); int rows = 0; while ( { //System.out.println("In while loop: " + rows); Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(i)); if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()); t1Data.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } //System.out.println("Table rows: " + rows); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("t1Data rows: " + t1Data.size()); context.setOutputValue("table1Data", t1Data); } @Handler(id = "updateTableData", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "newDataList", type = java.util.List.class), @HandlerInput(name = "tableRowGroup", type = com.sun.webui.jsf.component.TableRowGroup.class) }) public static void updateTableRowGroupData(HandlerContext context) { List> tData = new ArrayList>(); tData = (List>) context.getInputValue("newDataList"); TableRowGroup trGroup = (TableRowGroup) context.getInputValue("tableRowGroup"); MultipleListDataProvider dp = (MultipleListDataProvider) trGroup.getAttributes().get("sourceData"); dp.setLists(tData); } @Handler(id = "getTable2Data", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "lavaVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "buildVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "lavaProject", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "toolName", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "table2Data", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchTable2Data(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchTable2Data..."); String lava = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaVersion"); String build = (String) context.getInputValue("buildVersion"); String project = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaProject"); String tool = (String) context.getInputValue("toolName"); //System.out.println("lava: " +lava+ ", build: " +build+ ", project: " +project+ ", tool: " +tool); List t2Data = new ArrayList(); try { //System.out.println("In fetchTable2Data try block..."); DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); String newBuild = dal.getDailyBuild(lava, build); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getSecLevelUsageStats(lava.trim(), newBuild.trim(), project.trim(), tool.trim()); //CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getSecLevelUsageStats("11.00.00", null, "ROCK", "emirviewer"); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); //System.out.println("Column count is: " + rsmd.getColumnCount()); int rows = 0; while ( { //System.out.println("In while loop: " + rows); Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(i)); if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()); t2Data.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } //System.out.println("Table rows: " + rows); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("t2Data rows: " + t2Data.size()); context.setOutputValue("table2Data", t2Data); } @Handler(id = "getTable3Data", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "lavaVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "buildVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "lavaProject", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "toolName", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "featureName", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "table3Data", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchTable3Data(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchTable3Data..."); String lava = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaVersion"); String build = (String) context.getInputValue("buildVersion"); String project = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaProject"); String tool = (String) context.getInputValue("toolName"); String feature = (String) context.getInputValue("featureName"); //System.out.println("lava: " +lava+ ", build: " +build+ ", project: " +project+ ", tool: " +tool+ ", feature: " +feature); List t3Data = new ArrayList(); try { //System.out.println("In fetchTable3Data try block..."); DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); String newBuild = dal.getDailyBuild(lava, build); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getThirdLevelUsageStats(lava.trim(), newBuild.trim(), project.trim(), tool.trim(), feature.trim()); //CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getThirdLevelUsageStats("11.00.00", "20061121", "ROCK" , "emirviewer", "InitTesting"); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); //System.out.println("Column count is: " + rsmd.getColumnCount()); int rows = 0; while ( { //System.out.println("In while loop: " + rows); Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(i)); if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString()); t3Data.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } //System.out.println("Table rows: " + rows); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("t3Data rows: " + t3Data.size()); context.setOutputValue("table3Data", t3Data); } public static ArrayList convertToAList(String input) { ArrayList newList = new ArrayList(); if (input.equals("")) { //System.out.println(input+ " is not defined."); } else if (input.contains(",")) { String[] tList = input.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < tList.length; i++) { newList.add(tList[i].trim()); } } else if (input.contains(" ")) { String[] tList = input.split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < tList.length; i++) { newList.add(tList[i].trim()); } } else { //System.out.println(input+ " is just one word."); newList.add(input.trim()); } //System.out.println("List size for " +input+ " is :" +newList.size()); return newList; } public static String convertTStoDate(String input) { String[] inputs = input.split(" "); String output = inputs[2].concat("-").concat(inputs[1]).concat("-").concat(inputs[5]); return output; } @Handler(id = "testAddRemove", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "userName", type = Object.class) }) public static void outTestAddRemove(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In outTestAddRemove ..."); Object[] userName = (Object[]) context.getInputValue("userName"); for (int i = 0; i < userName.length; i++) { System.out.println(userName[i].toString()); } } // =========================================== CADRE PM REPORTS =============================================== @Handler(id = "getPMDefaultReport", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "lavaVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "lavaProject", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "buildVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "buildRefVersion", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "tableData", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchPMDefaultReport(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchPMDefaultReport ..."); String lava = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaVersion"); String project = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaProject"); String build = (String) context.getInputValue("buildVersion"); String buildRef = (String) context.getInputValue("buildRefVersion"); System.out.println("lava: " + lava + " project: " + project + " build: " + build + " buildRef: " + buildRef); List tableData = new ArrayList(); try { DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getPMDefaultReport(lava, project, build, buildRef); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); int rows = 0; while ( { Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); Map rEntriesDel = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i) + " " + crs.getObject(i)); if (i > 2) { int col = getColumnNoPMDefReport(i); if (i % 2 == 0) { if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + col, "-"); } else { rEntriesDel.put("col" + col, crs.getObject(i)); } } else { if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntriesDel.put("col" + col, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + col, crs.getObject(i)); } } } else { if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); rEntriesDel.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); rEntriesDel.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } } rEntries.put("col17", "value"); rEntriesDel.put("col17", "Δ %"); //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()); tableData.add(rows, rEntries); rows = rows + 1; tableData.add(rows, rEntriesDel); rows++; } } catch (SQLException sqlE) { sqlE.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("PMDefaultTableData rows: " + tableData.size()); context.setOutputValue("tableData", tableData); } public static int getColumnNoPMDefReport(int column) { int col = 1; switch (column) { case 1: col = 1; break; case 2: col = 2; break; case 3: col = 3; break; case 4: col = 3; break; case 5: col = 4; break; case 6: col = 4; break; case 7: col = 5; break; case 8: col = 5; break; case 9: col = 6; break; case 10: col = 6; break; case 11: col = 7; break; case 12: col = 7; break; case 13: col = 8; break; case 14: col = 8; break; case 15: col = 9; break; case 16: col = 9; break; case 17: col = 10; break; case 18: col = 10; break; case 19: col = 11; break; case 20: col = 11; break; case 21: col = 12; break; case 22: col = 12; break; case 23: col = 13; break; case 24: col = 13; break; case 25: col = 14; break; case 26: col = 14; break; case 27: col = 15; break; case 28: col = 15; break; case 29: col = 16; break; case 30: col = 16; break; default: System.out.println("Column out of range."); break; } return col; } @Handler(id = "getPMToolReport", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "lavaVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "lavaProject", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "tool", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "buildVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "buildRefVersion", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "tableData", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchPMToolReport(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchPMToolReport ..."); String lava = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaVersion"); String project = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaProject"); String tool = (String) context.getInputValue("tool"); String build = (String) context.getInputValue("buildVersion"); String buildRef = (String) context.getInputValue("buildRefVersion"); System.out.println("lava: " + lava + " project: " + project + " tool: " + tool + " build: " + build + " buildRef: " + buildRef); List tableData = new ArrayList(); try { DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getPMToolReport(lava, project, tool, build, buildRef); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); int rows = 0; while ( { Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); Map rEntriesDel = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i) + " " + crs.getObject(i)); if (i > 1) { int col = getColumnNoPMToolReport(i); if (i % 2 == 0) { if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + col, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + col, crs.getObject(i)); } } else { if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntriesDel.put("col" + col, "-"); } else { rEntriesDel.put("col" + col, crs.getObject(i)); } } } else { if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); rEntriesDel.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); rEntriesDel.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } } rEntries.put("col18", "value"); rEntriesDel.put("col18", "Δ %"); //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()); tableData.add(rows, rEntries); rows = rows + 1; tableData.add(rows, rEntriesDel); rows++; } } catch (SQLException sqlE) { sqlE.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("PMToolTableData rows: " + tableData.size()); context.setOutputValue("tableData", tableData); } public static int getColumnNoPMToolReport(int column) { int col = 1; switch (column) { case 1: col = 1; break; case 2: col = 2; break; case 3: col = 2; break; case 4: col = 3; break; case 5: col = 3; break; case 6: col = 4; break; case 7: col = 4; break; case 8: col = 5; break; case 9: col = 5; break; case 10: col = 6; break; case 11: col = 6; break; case 12: col = 7; break; case 13: col = 7; break; case 14: col = 8; break; case 15: col = 8; break; case 16: col = 9; break; case 17: col = 9; break; case 18: col = 10; break; case 19: col = 10; break; case 20: col = 11; break; case 21: col = 11; break; case 22: col = 12; break; case 23: col = 12; break; case 24: col = 13; break; case 25: col = 13; break; case 26: col = 14; break; case 27: col = 14; break; case 28: col = 15; break; case 29: col = 15; break; case 30: col = 16; break; case 31: col = 16; break; case 32: col = 17; break; case 33: col = 17; break; default: System.out.println("Column out of range."); break; } return col; } @Handler(id = "getPMTCReport", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "lavaVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "lavaProject", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "tool", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "design", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "buildVersion", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "tableData", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchPMTCReport(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchPMTCReport ..."); String lava = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaVersion"); String project = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaProject"); String tool = (String) context.getInputValue("tool"); String design = (String) context.getInputValue("design"); String build = (String) context.getInputValue("buildVersion"); System.out.println("lava: " + lava + " project: " + project + " tool: " + tool + " design: " + design + " build: " + build); List tableData = new ArrayList(); try { DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getPMTCReport(lava, project, tool, design, build); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); int rows = 0; while ( { Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i) + " " +crs.getObject(i)); if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()); tableData.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } } catch (SQLException sqlE) { sqlE.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("PMTCTableData rows: " + tableData.size()); context.setOutputValue("tableData", tableData); } // =========================================== CADRE PERFORMANCE REPORTS =============================================== @Handler(id = "getPerfUsageTableData", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "toolName", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "userName", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "perfTableData", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchPerfUsageTableData(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchPerfUsageTableData..."); String tool = (String) context.getInputValue("toolName"); String user = (String) context.getInputValue("userName"); String[] userSplit = user.split(" , "); String fName = userSplit[0]; String lName = userSplit[1]; //System.out.println("tool: " +tool+ ", user: " +user); List perfTableData = new ArrayList(); try { //System.out.println("In fetchUsageSummaryTableData try block..."); DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getPerfTopParent(tool, fName, lName); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); //System.out.println("Column count is: " + rsmd.getColumnCount()); int rows = 0; String blank = "-"; while ( { //System.out.println("In while loop: " + rows); Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(i)); if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, (Object) blank); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()+ " : " +rEntries.get("col4").toString()+ " : " +rEntries.get("col5").toString()); perfTableData.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } //System.out.println("Table rows: " + rows); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("perfTableData rows: " + perfTableData.size()); context.setOutputValue("perfTableData", perfTableData); } @Handler(id = "getPerfUsageTable1Data", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "jobID", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "perfTableData", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchPerfUsageTable1Data(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchPerfUsageTable1Data..."); String jobID = (String) context.getInputValue("jobID"); //System.out.println("jobID: " +jobID); List perfTableData = new ArrayList(); try { //System.out.println("In fetchUsageSummaryTableData try block..."); DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); CachedRowSetImpl crs = dal.getPerfChildJobs(jobID); RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); //System.out.println("Column count is: " + rsmd.getColumnCount()); int rows = 0; String blank = "-"; while ( { //System.out.println("In while loop: " + rows); Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(i)); if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, (Object) blank); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()+ " : " +rEntries.get("col4").toString()+ " : " +rEntries.get("col5").toString()); perfTableData.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } //System.out.println("Table rows: " + rows); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("perfTableData rows: " + perfTableData.size()); context.setOutputValue("perfTableData", perfTableData); } @Handler(id = "getPerfTableData", input = { @HandlerInput(name = "lavaVersion", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "project", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "design", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "toolName", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "perfFunc", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "perfMetric", type = String.class), @HandlerInput(name = "buildType", type = String.class) }, output = { @HandlerOutput(name = "tableData", type = java.util.List.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "columnHeaders", type = java.util.List.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "columnValues", type = java.util.List.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "columnSorts", type = java.util.List.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "columnWidths", type = java.util.List.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "columnSpacers", type = java.util.List.class), @HandlerOutput(name = "columnAligns", type = java.util.List.class) }) public static void fetchPerfTableData(HandlerContext context) { System.out.println("In fetchPerfTableData..."); String lava = (String) context.getInputValue("lavaVersion"); String project = (String) context.getInputValue("project"); String design = (String) context.getInputValue("design"); String tool = (String) context.getInputValue("toolName"); String operation = (String) context.getInputValue("perfFunc"); String metric = (String) context.getInputValue("perfMetric"); String build_type = (String) context.getInputValue("buildType"); System.out.println("lava: " + lava + ", project: " + project + ", design: " + design + ", tool: " + tool); System.out.println("operation: " + operation + ", metric: " + metric + ", build_type: " + build_type); List columnValues = new ArrayList(); List columnHeaders = new ArrayList(); List columnSorts = new ArrayList(); List columnWidths = new ArrayList(); List columnSpacers = new ArrayList(); List columnAligns = new ArrayList(); if (design == null && tool != null) { columnHeaders.add("Design Name"); } else { columnHeaders.add("Tool/Flow"); } columnAligns.add("left"); List tableData = new ArrayList(); try { //System.out.println("In fetchUsageSummaryTableData try block..."); DataAccessLayer dal = new DataAccessLayer(); CachedRowSetImpl crs = null; if (design == null && tool != null) { crs = dal.getPerfDesignTable(lava.trim(), project.trim(), tool.trim(), operation.trim(), metric.trim(), build_type.trim()); } else { crs = dal.getPerfToolTable(lava.trim(), project.trim(), design.trim(), operation.trim(), metric.trim(), build_type.trim()); } RowSetMetaDataImpl rsmd = (RowSetMetaDataImpl) crs.getMetaData(); int count = rsmd.getColumnCount(); //System.out.println("Column count is: " + rsmd.getColumnCount()); int rows = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { String temp = "#{tRow.value.col" + i + "}"; String temp2 = "col" + i; columnValues.add(temp); columnSorts.add(temp2); columnSpacers.add("#{false}"); columnWidths.add(" "); if (i != 1) { columnAligns.add("right"); columnHeaders.add(rsmd.getColumnName(i).substring(4)); } } columnHeaders.add(" "); columnValues.add(" "); columnSorts.add("${null}"); columnAligns.add("right"); columnSpacers.add("#{true}"); if (count < 4) { columnWidths.add("80%"); } else { if (count == 4 && count < 8) { columnWidths.add("60%"); } else { if (count == 8 && count > 10) { columnWidths.add("30%"); } else { columnWidths.add("10%"); } } } while ( { //System.out.println("In while loop: " + rows); Map rEntries = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { //System.out.println(rsmd.getColumnName(i)); //System.out.println(columnHeaders.get(i)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(1)); //System.out.println(crs.getObject(i)); if (crs.getObject(i) == null) { rEntries.put("col" + i, "-"); } else { rEntries.put("col" + i, crs.getObject(i)); } } //System.out.println(rEntries.get("col1").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col2").toString() + " : " +rEntries.get("col3").toString()+ " : " +rEntries.get("col4").toString()+ " : " +rEntries.get("col5").toString()); tableData.add(rows, rEntries); rows++; } //System.out.println("Table rows: " + rows); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Set the output. System.out.println("tableData rows: " + tableData.size()); //System.out.println("columnHeaders rows: " + columnHeaders.size()); //System.out.println("columnValues rows: " + columnValues.size()); context.setOutputValue("tableData", tableData); context.setOutputValue("columnHeaders", columnHeaders); context.setOutputValue("columnValues", columnValues); context.setOutputValue("columnSorts", columnSorts); context.setOutputValue("columnWidths", columnWidths); context.setOutputValue("columnSpacers", columnSpacers); context.setOutputValue("columnAligns", columnAligns); } }