Re: JSFTemplating: How to build the JSFTEmplating source

From: Anissa Lam <Anissa.Lam_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 13:52:05 -0700

Hi Wendy,
What version of ant are you using ? I am using 1.7.0
Apache Ant version 1.7.0 compiled on December 13 2006

I am running on window XP, just checked out jsftemplating, change the
glassfish-home property in jsftemplating/ and do 'ant
all' without any problem.
There is no environment or dependency to set except 'glassfish-home'.

Please try 'ant -version' and let us know which version you have.


Wendy Bossons wrote:
> I tried to build the JSFTemplating source today using windows command
> line), but had problems at clean/build time. The ant task failed here:
> <target name="compile" depends="init, jar-apt-files"
> description="Compile source"> <mkdir dir="${build}/." /> <apt
> srcdir="${src}" fork="true" destdir="${build}/."
> debug="${compile.debug}" deprecation="${compile.deprecation}"
> excludes="**/annotation/**" optimize="${compile.optimize}"
> target="${}" source="${source.version}"> <classpath
> refid="dependencies" /> </apt> </target> The message from the command
> prompt was "Could not create task or type of type: apt. I think that
> my dependencies are configured correctly. Does anyone know what could
> be wrong? I have the ant-apt.jar in the ant lib directory
> -- ..\Wendy Wendy Bossons Senior User Interface Developer Harvard-MIT
> Data Center Office Phone: 617-384-5701 Email: wbossons <at>
> --
> ..\Wendy
> Wendy Bossons
> Senior User Interface Developer
> Harvard-MIT Data Center
> Office Phone: 617-384-5701
> Email: wbossons <at>