Re: JSFTemplating: table sorting problem with dynamicTable

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 08:41:08 -0800

Of course! :)


Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
> Ken,
> I will back out the new woodstock and its dependencies for now. Once
> you know more please let us know (after meeting with woodstock team).
> thanks
> Karam
> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>> Hi Karam,
>> I haven't figured out the "Ajax" problem. However, we also attempted
>> to use the newest Woodstock release with our application, and ran
>> into problems (disappearing buttons, broken XMLHttp requests, etc.).
>> We are meeting w/ the Woodstock team on Friday (yet to be confirmed)
>> to discuss these issues and the general stability / roadmap of future
>> Woodstock releases.
>> Since they had major upgrades to Dojo and other dependencies
>> recently, I would suggest not taking these changes unless you have
>> the time to figure out all the issues. If you have specific details,
>> I'd be happy to help you trouble shoot them, however, I don't have
>> the cycles right now to do it myself.
>> Thanks!
>> Ken
>> Karam Singh wrote:
>>> Thanks Ken.
>>> I just added the count information to the url string in the
>>> beginning and it works fine now. Can't believe how much time it took
>>> to figure this out. Now the only problem left is the AJAX problem
>>> with the new woodstock components :) Were you able to see the
>>> problem on that page?
>>> thanks again
>>> -Karam
>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>> Suppose your data is something like:
>>>> List<Map<String,String>> datamodel:
>>>> col1: <a href="foo.jsf?row=1">1</a>
>>>> col2: <a href="foo.jsf?row=1">Z</a>
>>>> col1: <a href="foo.jsf?row=2">2</a>
>>>> col2: <a href="foo.jsf?row=2">A</a>
>>>> col1: <a href="foo.jsf?row=3">3</a>
>>>> col2: <a href="foo.jsf?row=3">M</a>
>>>> If you simply display column 1 in column 1 of your table, then sort
>>>> column 1... no problem. If you display/sort column 2, problem.
>>>> Column 2's embedded href url has 1,2,3 in it which will effect the
>>>> sort (so it will ignore the ordering of the visible parts Z, A, M).
>>>> To fix this, if you add the following data to your dataset (and
>>>> btw, this is the reason I created the MulitpleListDataProvider),
>>>> then you can fix this:
>>>> List<Map<String, String>> sortdatamodel:
>>>> col1sort: 1
>>>> col2sort: Z
>>>> col1sort: 2
>>>> col2sort: A
>>>> col1sort: 3
>>>> col2sort: M
>>>> Then in your JSF page:
>>>> <sun:dynamicColumnRowGroup ... data={"$attribute{datamodel}",
>>>> "$attribute{sortdatamodel}"} columnSort={"col1sort", "col2sort"}
>>>> ... />
>>>> I hope that's the problem and this fixes it! :)
>>>> Good luck,
>>>> Ken
>>>> Karam Singh wrote:
>>>>> Ken,
>>>>> I modified your example and added the same kind of hyperlink
>>>>> string in the data and the sorting worked fine.
>>>>> Also in the table, actual value in the cell is a number (in string
>>>>> form).
>>>>> In the string that I am constructing:
>>>>> <a href=usageReportDetail.jsf?lava=" +lava+ "&build=" +build+
>>>>> "&project=" +project+ "&tool=" +toolName+ "
>>>>> everything before toolName is constant and then toolName changes
>>>>> in every row and is the first column value. So I guess it would
>>>>> make sense if its doing that.
>>>>> >If this is the case, make sure you have a sort key in your model
>>>>> for each row and use that.
>>>>> How is this done? small example?
>>>>> thanks
>>>>> Karam
>>>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Karam,
>>>>>> That could indeed be the problem as that is the String that is
>>>>>> being compared. If an earlier value (say "lava" for example) is
>>>>>> constant across your columns, but changes per row. It will
>>>>>> determine the sort order for all of them, making it appear to
>>>>>> sort the first column in all cases. If this is the case, make
>>>>>> sure you have a sort key in your model for each row and use that.
>>>>>> On an unrelated topic, did I ever mention that I'm jealous that
>>>>>> your project uses the name "lava"? :) That was the original
>>>>>> name of JSFTemplating before lawyers killed it. :(
>>>>>> I hope this solves your problem!
>>>>>> Ken
>>>>>> Karam Singh wrote:
>>>>>>> Now that you mentioned if the data is string, even though I am
>>>>>>> declaring it as String in java code. I am actually creating a
>>>>>>> html string. Do you think that might be the problem? Here is the
>>>>>>> string that I am creating for the columns which don't sort:
>>>>>>> tmp = "<a href=usageReportDetail.jsf?lava=" +lava+ "&build="
>>>>>>> +build+ "&project=" +project+ "&tool=" +toolName+
>>>>>>> "&feature=All>" +entry+ "</a>";
>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>> Karam
>>>>>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Karam,
>>>>>>>> Yes I did write a test page, which I sent to you when I first
>>>>>>>> created the dynamic table factory. I modified this test page
>>>>>>>> to ensure sorting works as expected. In my test case, it does
>>>>>>>> work. Here is the page:
>>>>>>>> <!initPage
>>>>>>>> ######################
>>>>>>>> ## CREATE DATA ##
>>>>>>>> ######################
>>>>>>>> // Row 1
>>>>>>>> createMap(result=>$attribute{row1});
>>>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row1}" key="a" value="Ken");
>>>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row1}" key="b" value="A");
>>>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row1}" key="c" value="Paulsen");
>>>>>>>> // Row 2
>>>>>>>> createMap(result=>$attribute{row2});
>>>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row2}" key="a" value="Jaye");
>>>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row2}" key="b" value="L");
>>>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row2}" key="c" value="Jurhs");
>>>>>>>> // Row 3
>>>>>>>> createMap(result=>$attribute{row3});
>>>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row3}" key="a" value="Mike");
>>>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row3}" key="b" value="C");
>>>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row3}" key="c" value="Doe");
>>>>>>>> // Create List of Map (List of the rows)
>>>>>>>> setAttribute(key='listOfRows' value={"$attribute{row1}"
>>>>>>>> "${row2}" "${row3}"} );
>>>>>>>> />
>>>>>>>> <sun:page>
>>>>>>>> <sun:html>
>>>>>>>> <sun:head id="head" />
>>>>>>>> <sun:body>
>>>>>>>> <sun:form id="form">
>>>>>>>> <sun:table id="basicTable" title="Basic Table">
>>>>>>>> <sun:dynamicColumnRowGroup id="rowGroup1"
>>>>>>>> data={"$attribute{listOfRows}"} sourceVar="td"
>>>>>>>> columnHeaderText={"Col 1", "Col 2", "Col 3"}
>>>>>>>> columnValue={"#{td.value.a}", "#{td.value.b}", "#{td.value.c}"}
>>>>>>>> columnSort={"a", "b", "c"}>
>>>>>>>> </sun:dynamicColumnRowGroup>
>>>>>>>> </sun:table>
>>>>>>>> </sun:form>
>>>>>>>> </sun:body>
>>>>>>>> </sun:html>
>>>>>>>> </sun:page>
>>>>>>>> I think the main thing to ensure for the Woodstock Table's
>>>>>>>> sorting is the column sorting key. Make sure that is correct
>>>>>>>> and it should work. Also the data that you are sorting must be
>>>>>>>> available when the Woodstock table performs its sorting.
>>>>>>>> I'm not a table expert, though... so if the above doesn't help,
>>>>>>>> we'll probably need to invite Dan L. to the conversation (or
>>>>>>>> just post to the dev_at_woodstock alias). The part where JSFT is
>>>>>>>> involved is strictly in creating the proper UIComponents and
>>>>>>>> setting their properties (which are just passed through from
>>>>>>>> whatever you set). You can see this is happening in the above
>>>>>>>> case. I can see it's not working on the url you sent, but I
>>>>>>>> don't see why from the code you provided. Your handler code
>>>>>>>> seems to be providing a list equivalent to the {"a", "b", "c"}
>>>>>>>> one I provided above, yet it doesn't work.
>>>>>>>> The only notable thing I see different is that I initialize the
>>>>>>>> data in initPage. If you are initializing it too late, it
>>>>>>>> might not sort at all, or perform some default sort (Dan might
>>>>>>>> be able to answer this).
>>>>>>>> Suggestions to try... mock up your data like I did above, see
>>>>>>>> if that fixes it. If yes, debug your data to ensure it is
>>>>>>>> correctly available at all times and that its context is
>>>>>>>> complete and correct. If no, look at the how you're declaring
>>>>>>>> your component, make sure keys are matching up correctly with
>>>>>>>> your data, and continue to debug the component itself. Are the
>>>>>>>> values in the columns Strings? If not, do they have correct
>>>>>>>> equals() methods?
>>>>>>>> Sorry I'm not being more help... but I'm fishing for the answer.
>>>>>>>> Ken
>>>>>>>> Karam Singh wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Ken,
>>>>>>>>> None of the request variables were used for the table data.
>>>>>>>>> Anyway, I have gone ahead and changed all the attribute
>>>>>>>>> variables that were used to pageSession variables and the
>>>>>>>>> result is still the same.
>>>>>>>>> Did you ever write the test page (with dummy data) to test
>>>>>>>>> dynamicTable. I think doing that test to see if the sorting
>>>>>>>>> works could be a good test.
>>>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>>>> Karam
>>>>>>>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Karam,
>>>>>>>>>> I tried the link you sent, but wasn't able to connect.
>>>>>>>>>> Looking at this again, I can only think to say what I said
>>>>>>>>>> last time re: request-scope. Did you try using pageSession /
>>>>>>>>>> session to see if this changed things? Or did you try
>>>>>>>>>> initPage? Even if the data appears to still be there after a
>>>>>>>>>> refresh, that doesn't mean it didn't get populated via the
>>>>>>>>>> restoreState call which always happens, but may happen after
>>>>>>>>>> the table does its sorting (not sure... I don't know how
>>>>>>>>>> Woodstock does this).
>>>>>>>>>> Perhaps we can talk on the phone about this more later today
>>>>>>>>>> (I'm on another call for the next 10-15 minutes).
>>>>>>>>>> Ken
>>>>>>>>>> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Ken,
>>>>>>>>>>> Any update. This is little urgent so if we could get the fix
>>>>>>>>>>> by the end of this week it would be great.
>>>>>>>>>>> Also the updated link to see the app is now:
>>>>>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>>>>>> Karam
>>>>>>>>>>> Karam Singh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ken,
>>>>>>>>>>>> The data is still there if even clicking on sort was doing
>>>>>>>>>>>> page refresh. Here is the url of the actual page:
>>>>>>>>>>>> If you click on sort for any column except first one, you
>>>>>>>>>>>> will see that it always sort just the first column. Please
>>>>>>>>>>>> help.
>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>> Karam
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Karam,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry it took me so long to respond. I looked at your
>>>>>>>>>>>>> code... and from just looking at it, I don't see anything
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that jumps out as being incorrect.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hmm... actually looking at your page again, I see you're
>>>>>>>>>>>>> using a beforeCreate event. This event is triggered
>>>>>>>>>>>>> before something is created (as the name suggests). On a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> page refresh (as done when you click a sort link), it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> won't re-execute anything. While you are storing a lot in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pageSession, you are storing some things in request
>>>>>>>>>>>>> attributes. The request attributes will not be available
>>>>>>>>>>>>> when the page is resubmitted. Perhaps the code handling
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the sort needs access to that information again? I'm not
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure that is the case, but you might try changing to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pageSession to see if that fixes it. Or use the initPage
>>>>>>>>>>>>> event (must go at the top of the page) for this handler.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> If that doesn't help, we'll have to look more closely at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> what is happening when the sort link is clicked to see why
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's not working.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ken
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Karam Singh wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ken,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Were you able to figure out the problem?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Karam
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Karam,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I think it would help me to see more context. Can you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provide the complete .jsf source and the full handler
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> methods?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ken
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ken,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am having sorting problems with the dynamic table.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is my jsf code:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <sun:dynamicColumnRowGroup
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> id="rowGroup1"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data={"$attribute{usageSummaryDataList}"}
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sourceVar="tRow"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> styleClasses="rowColor1,rowColor2"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> columnSort="$attribute{columnSorts}"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> columnAlign="$attribute{columnAligns}"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> columnHeaderText="$attribute{columnHeaders}"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> columnFooterText="$attribute{columnHeaders}"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> columnSpacerColumn="$attribute{columnSpacers}"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> columnWidth="$attribute{columnWidths}"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> columnValue="$attribute{columnValues}"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rows="#{pageSession.tableRows}"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> </sun:dynamicColumnRowGroup>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And here is the code snippet from the handler:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> String temp = "#{tRow.value.col" + i + "}";
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> String temp2 = "col" + i;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> columnValues.add(temp);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> columnSorts.add(temp2);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> columnSpacers.add("#{false}");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> columnWidths.add(" ");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if (i != 1) {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> columnAligns.add("right");
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is exactly the same code if I would hardcode the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tableColumn on the jsf page (in terms of specifying
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sort and staticText value). With the above code no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> matter what column I click on to sort, it always sorts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the entries in the first column. Please let me know if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am doing something wrong or if there is a bug in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dynamic table code.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Karam