Any update. This is little urgent so if we could get the fix by the end
of this week it would be great.
Also the updated link to see the app is now:
Karam Singh wrote:
> Ken,
> The data is still there if even clicking on sort was doing page
> refresh. Here is the url of the actual page:
> If you click on sort for any column except first one, you will see
> that it always sort just the first column. Please help.
> thanks
> Karam
> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>> Hi Karam,
>> Sorry it took me so long to respond. I looked at your code... and
>> from just looking at it, I don't see anything that jumps out as being
>> incorrect.
>> Hmm... actually looking at your page again, I see you're using a
>> beforeCreate event. This event is triggered before something is
>> created (as the name suggests). On a page refresh (as done when you
>> click a sort link), it won't re-execute anything. While you are
>> storing a lot in pageSession, you are storing some things in request
>> attributes. The request attributes will not be available when the
>> page is resubmitted. Perhaps the code handling the sort needs access
>> to that information again? I'm not sure that is the case, but you
>> might try changing to pageSession to see if that fixes it. Or use
>> the initPage event (must go at the top of the page) for this handler.
>> If that doesn't help, we'll have to look more closely at what is
>> happening when the sort link is clicked to see why it's not working.
>> Ken
>> Karam Singh wrote:
>>> Ken,
>>> Were you able to figure out the problem?
>>> thanks
>>> Karam
>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>> Hi Karam,
>>>> I think it would help me to see more context. Can you provide the
>>>> complete .jsf source and the full handler methods?
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Ken
>>>> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ken,
>>>>> I am having sorting problems with the dynamic table. Here is my
>>>>> jsf code:
>>>>> <sun:dynamicColumnRowGroup
>>>>> id="rowGroup1"
>>>>> data={"$attribute{usageSummaryDataList}"}
>>>>> sourceVar="tRow"
>>>>> styleClasses="rowColor1,rowColor2"
>>>>> columnSort="$attribute{columnSorts}"
>>>>> columnAlign="$attribute{columnAligns}"
>>>>> columnHeaderText="$attribute{columnHeaders}"
>>>>> columnFooterText="$attribute{columnHeaders}"
>>>>> columnSpacerColumn="$attribute{columnSpacers}"
>>>>> columnWidth="$attribute{columnWidths}"
>>>>> columnValue="$attribute{columnValues}"
>>>>> rows="#{pageSession.tableRows}"
>>>>> >
>>>>> </sun:dynamicColumnRowGroup>
>>>>> And here is the code snippet from the handler:
>>>>> for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
>>>>> String temp = "#{tRow.value.col" + i + "}";
>>>>> String temp2 = "col" + i;
>>>>> columnValues.add(temp);
>>>>> columnSorts.add(temp2);
>>>>> columnSpacers.add("#{false}");
>>>>> columnWidths.add(" ");
>>>>> if (i != 1) {
>>>>> columnAligns.add("right");
>>>>> }
>>>>> }
>>>>> This is exactly the same code if I would hardcode the tableColumn
>>>>> on the jsf page (in terms of specifying sort and staticText
>>>>> value). With the above code no matter what column I click on to
>>>>> sort, it always sorts the entries in the first column. Please let
>>>>> me know if I am doing something wrong or if there is a bug in the
>>>>> dynamic table code.
>>>>> thanks
>>>>> Karam