Hi Karam,
I think it would help me to see more context. Can you provide the
complete .jsf source and the full handler methods?
Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
> Hi Ken,
> I am having sorting problems with the dynamic table. Here is my jsf code:
> <sun:dynamicColumnRowGroup
> id="rowGroup1"
> data={"$attribute{usageSummaryDataList}"}
> sourceVar="tRow"
> styleClasses="rowColor1,rowColor2"
> columnSort="$attribute{columnSorts}"
> columnAlign="$attribute{columnAligns}"
> columnHeaderText="$attribute{columnHeaders}"
> columnFooterText="$attribute{columnHeaders}"
> columnSpacerColumn="$attribute{columnSpacers}"
> columnWidth="$attribute{columnWidths}"
> columnValue="$attribute{columnValues}"
> rows="#{pageSession.tableRows}"
> >
> </sun:dynamicColumnRowGroup>
> And here is the code snippet from the handler:
> for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
> String temp = "#{tRow.value.col" + i + "}";
> String temp2 = "col" + i;
> columnValues.add(temp);
> columnSorts.add(temp2);
> columnSpacers.add("#{false}");
> columnWidths.add(" ");
> if (i != 1) {
> columnAligns.add("right");
> }
> }
> This is exactly the same code if I would hardcode the tableColumn on
> the jsf page (in terms of specifying sort and staticText value). With
> the above code no matter what column I click on to sort, it always
> sorts the entries in the first column. Please let me know if I am
> doing something wrong or if there is a bug in the dynamic table code.
> thanks
> Karam