I found the problem and it is unrelated to the code or how I was doing
include. Thanks for all the help.
Ken Paulsen wrote:
> Can you show how you are including resource.inc? Do you have the
> jsftemplating DEBUG flag on or off?
> You shouldn't have to restart the server to see any changes (assuming
> you have the DEBUG flag on). I haven't restarted my server since your
> first email and I have changed the page several times to perform tests
> to ensure things are working properly.
> I just added this to the top of my test file:
> #include i.inc
> I moved the content of the redirect to that file and it behaved
> correct (w/o any restart / redeploy). I made changes to the i.inc
> file and they also appeared correctly.
> One thought... perhaps you have a space before the "#". The
> "#include" is required to be at the beginning of the line to be
> processed. Otherwise, it will be interpreted as a comment.
> Ken
> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>> Currently my initPage code is in a "resource.inc" file that I include
>> in all my pages. I made some other changes to this file and it seems
>> like they are not taking effect (even though I restarted the server
>> and redeployed the war file). So then I created a new jsf file with
>> just exact code from resource.inc file and it works fine. So I think
>> the problem is really with cache or resource.inc file not getting the
>> updates that I have made. Any suggestions why this is happening?
>> thanks
>> Karam
>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>> Hi Karam,
>>> I did the test as you described below and it worked fine. However,
>>> what I *didn't* do was enable security... so here's what may be
>>> happening. You are visiting a page that is protected by a security
>>> constraint in your web application and it is redirecting to your
>>> login.jsf page. I don't think the FacesServlet is even being
>>> invoked for the page you attempted to visit, let alone the
>>> initPage(). You can try to execute a "println()" in the initPage
>>> to see if you can get it to execute to test this.
>>> How to get around this problem. Disable security (I don't think
>>> that's the way you want to go). Find a way to get the original
>>> request URI information from w/i the login.jsf page (not sure if
>>> this is available or not... although I think it is). If the page IS
>>> executing before the redirect, try storing it in session instead of
>>> as a QUERY_STRING parameter (I don't think this is an option,
>>> though, b/c I don't think the FacesServlet let alone the initPage is
>>> executing). Last, try emailing the GF dev alias
>>> (dev_at_glassfish.dev.java.net) and see if anyone (like Jan Luehe) has
>>> a better suggestion.
>>> Ken
>>> Karam Singh wrote:
>>>> Ken,
>>>> I have the following code in initPage
>>>> <!initPage
>>>> redirect(page="login.jsf?dest=#{request.requestURL}");
>>>> />
>>>> Strangely it gets redirected to login.jsf without the "dest=<url of
>>>> the page where its coming from>". Am I doing something wrong in the
>>>> above code?
>>>> thanks
>>>> Karam
>>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>>> Hi Karam,
>>>>> I added the following to the top of the test page that I wrote below:
>>>>> <!initPage
>>>>> println("hi! '#{request.requestURL}'");
>>>>> />
>>>>> println() writes a log message to the server.log... I checked and
>>>>> the correct value for the requestURL was written in the log:
>>>>> [#|2008-01-16T23:52:46.067+0000|INFO|sun-appserver9.1|javax.enterprise.system.stream.out|_ThreadID=19;_ThreadName=httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-3;|
>>>>> hi! 'http://localhost:8080/demo/j.jsf'|#]
>>>>> Make sure your initPage event is at the top of your file.
>>>>> I hope this helps,
>>>>> Ken
>>>>> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>>>>>> Ken,
>>>>>> If I try to use #{request.requestURL} inside a initPage event, it
>>>>>> doesn't work. Is that how its supposed to work?
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> Karam
>>>>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Karam,
>>>>>>> You can get this information from the request object. If you
>>>>>>> want to do this from w/i a JSFT .jsf page, you can do this via
>>>>>>> an EL expression. If you cut/paste the following into a .jsf
>>>>>>> page in your application you can see what these do:
>>>>>>> "ContextPath: #{request.contextPath}<br />
>>>>>>> "QueryString: #{request.queryString}<br />
>>>>>>> "RequestURI: #{request.requestURI}<br />
>>>>>>> "RequestURL: #{request.requestURL}<br />
>>>>>>> "ServletPath: #{request.servletPath}<br />
>>>>>>> For JSF w/ a *.jsf servlet mapping, the last one will give you
>>>>>>> want you want.
>>>>>>> If you want to do this via Java, then you can get some of this
>>>>>>> information from the ExternalContext. The rest can be obtained
>>>>>>> directly from the request object (although you'll have to cast
>>>>>>> to ServletRequest or HttpServletRequest... meaning your code
>>>>>>> won't work in a Portlet environment). You can get the
>>>>>>> ExternalContext & request object by doing:
>>>>>>> FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext()
>>>>>>> externalContext.getRequest()
>>>>>>> I hope this helps!
>>>>>>> Ken
>>>>>>> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> e.g. One of the page in my app is http://host/CADRe/test.jsf
>>>>>>>> Is there a way to get the url after the "http://host/CADRe/" in
>>>>>>>> this case "test.jsf" in jsftemplating?
>>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>>> -Karam