1.0 is fine for now. I think we'll use 1.2 to match up w/ the JSF
version that it requires. And yes, we should also add on
auto-generated suffix like "_b##" to distinguish the build numbers.
It would be nice if we had a java-sources directory w/ the src also...
but this isn't a high priority. The other jars look good!
Let me talk w/ Senthil and others to see if we can work out the build
numbers. Feel free to join the IRC channel for the discussion on this.
Hi Ken,
I was able to publish jars. You can check that they are now available
For this first publishing, i have used version 1.0. We will have to
modify the 3 pom files and build.xml files besides any properties file
to autogenerate the version info for next publishing, if we will use
the cronjobs to publish jars periodically.
But before integrating the changes i wanted you to review files which i
will be integrating.
We need to create 3 new poms , one each for jsftemplating,
jsftempating-dt and jsftemplating-dynafaces-0.1 for each jar we want to
I had to modify build.properties file to set two variable which i have
used in the build.xml file. I have attached the context diffs of both
these files for review besides the three poms.
We will have to download 1 jar maven-repository-importer-1.2.jar from
the below website.
I have kept this jar in ${jsftemplatinghome}/lib/external directory and
set this path in build.properties file.
If we plan to change the location to put this jar, build.properties
file needs to be updated too
This jar should be in classpath (done in build.xml) to use the
corresponding ant -task in build script
Details on the steps on how the new ant task can be added to build
scripts to push artifacts in maven repository can be found at
I have pushed artifacts from SOlaris machine using cvs 1.11.16 as my
windows machines cvs (cvsnt 2.5.03 scorpio build 2260) was giving
problem in importing jars.
I would appreciate if someone else with different cvs version on
windows can try the same and ok the changes.
I observed few other projects (like jmaki and few others ) have three
directories published (jars, java-sources, poms). Would you consider
having third directory too?
Let me know how should we go about version information and if the
contents of the published jars are what we want.
Ken Paulsen wrote:
Hi Priti,
Thanks for looking into this!
A LONG time back I started looking into this and didn't get very far.
:) However, I did add the maven_repository user as an observer... so
that is already done. :)
FYI, in case you didn't already notice we do have a nightly build
system in place... if that can be of any help wrt publishing to the
maven repository feel free to take advantage of that. We may also want
to ensure we have a proper version # in the META-INF directory of the
jsft.jar file... let me know if you need any help with that.
Thank you!!
Priti Tiwary wrote:
Hi Ken,
In order to publish the JSFTemplating jars in Maven Repository we have
to first add "maven_repository" user as observer in the project.
Other steps include putting maven-repository-importer.jar in the
project and writing targets to push the three jars in repository
If you add the user , i will send you the changes to build.xml files
for review .
<name>Templating for Java Server Faces</name>
<name>JSFTemplating Design Time lib</name>
<name>JSFTemplating Dynafaces support lib</name>
## This is an example build.properties file, you should modify it to match
## your environment. It should be saved as file called "build.properties".
## NOTE to Windows Users: Use forward slashes (/) instead of back-slashes
## (\). For example:
## glassfish-home=C:/Sun/AppServer
## glassfish-home is the only variable you need to change if you are using
## GlassFish. glassfish-home is only used w/i this file, so if you don't have
## GlassFish, you only need to replace the references to GlassFish here.
## This is already available for GlassFish in javaee.jar
## You don't need to change these:
## Dynamic Faces jar file for JSFTemplating
## Woodstock specific jar files
Index: build.xml
RCS file: /cvs/jsftemplating/build.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -c -r1.31 build.xml
*** build.xml 7 Jun 2007 04:57:00 -0000 1.31
--- build.xml 23 Aug 2007 17:52:42 -0000
*** 204,207 ****
--- 204,236 ----
fileDescription="Nightly snapshot of the JSFTemplating DynaFaces support lib"
+ <target name="push-to-maven-prepare">
+ <taskdef resource="maven-repository-importer.properties">
+ <classpath>
+ <pathelement path="${maven-repository-importer.jar}" />
+ </classpath>
+ </taskdef>
+ <delete dir="${build}/maven-repo" /><!-- clean it -->
+ <maven-repository-importer destdir="build/maven-repo" version="1.0">
+ <artifact jar="${dist}/jsftemplating.jar" pom="jsftemplating.pom"/>
+ <artifact jar="${dist}/jsftemplating-dt.jar" pom="jsftemplating-dt.pom" />
+ <artifact jar="${dist}/jsftemplating-dynafaces-0.1.jar" pom="jsftemplating-dynafaces-0.1.pom" />
+ </maven-repository-importer>
+ </target>
+ <target name="push-to-maven" depends="push-to-maven-prepare">
+ <!-- import to CVS-->
+ <tstamp />
+ <echo>importing to CVS...</echo>
+ <cvs dest="${build}/maven-repo">
+ <commandline>
+ <argument value="-d:pserver:${java.net.user.name}@cvs.dev.java.net:/cvs" />
+ <argument line="-z9 import -ko -W *.jar -kb -m" />
+ <argument value="deploying new jars to the java.net maven repository" />
+ <argument value="jsftemplating/repo" />
+ <argument line="deployment-to-maven-repository t${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP}" />
+ </commandline>
+ </cvs>
+ </target>