Re: JSFTemplating: Need help moving to svn...

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 22:46:25 -0700

Hi Jason,

Thanks for the responses and for offering to take this on... you just might get the opportunity! :)  Perhaps you can start by emailing the Collabnet people and see how much trouble they're going to create for us. :)

We can talk more next week.  Have a good holiday weekend!


Jason Lee wrote:
On 5/25/07, Ken Paulsen <> wrote:
    * Do we have to rely on collabnet / to do all the work for
us?  Or can we run the conversion ourself after they setup the
respository (or something like that).

If we can get a snapshot of the CVS repo, then I think we can do this.  It will  take a long time, but I think it's worth it.  The cvs2svn script will let us read from the CVS repo files and import into a (possibly remote repo), so I think it's feasible, assuming can get things set up for us on the server in terms of SVN support.

    * If it can't be done on, is it possible to run the
conversion ourselves and host it somewhere else?

Again, if we can get the repo snapshot, it won' t be a problem at all hosting that somewhere else.  I can provide an SVN repo via my dreamhost account, which has oodles of disk and network allowances, or we can put the repo on  Either way works.  We'll have to figure out how to handle permissions, password changes, etc., but I think it's feasible.

    * Anyone have experience with this or have suggestions on the best
way to proceed?

I ran the CVS to SVN conversion for IEC a couple of years ago.

    * Anyone want to volunteer to lead this?

I'm willing to at least help out, if not handle the whole thing, depending on the response of others. :)

Jason Lee, SCJP
JSF RI Dev Team