Developer Candidate Fred Brock

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 09:21:45 -0700

Fred Brock ( id: frederickbrock; irc nick: FredDaMan) has
recently joined the project. I have known Fred for about 9 years. Fred
is responsible for introducing me to most of my understanding of
pre-J2EE technologies (NetDynamics). And it if it weren't for Fred, we
probably wouldn't have "handlers" today. The original idea which
eventually evolved into our "handler" concept was conceived during a
road trip Fred and I had from Sun (Santa Clara, CA) to Portland, OR.

Fred is interested in joining JSFTemplating as a developer. He is
initially interested in coming up to speed (which he has already mostly
done) and providing feedback / assistance with our documentation on the
web site. Although I suspect he will have his hands on various areas of
the code very quickly afterward. Fred is very qualified to join our
JSFTemplating developer team.

What do you think, should we let him join as a developer? :) (I need at
least 2 +1's from existing developers.)

