Re: JSFTemplating: [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: [Community Leaders] Procedures for CVS-to-Subversion Conversions (Including 3rd Party Payment)]]

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 14:44:09 -0500

On 5/24/07, Michael Phoenix <> wrote:
> Only if you can update the documentation on the check-uot check-in
> procedure documentation before doing the conversion. I'm very sceptical
> about this unless someone knows that it a) won't disrupt current projects
> people are working on, b) can be done easily by someone in the group, and
> c) won't make the checkout/check-in processes more complicated.

a) It *will* disrupt "current projects people are working on" (assuming you
mean your currently checked out working copy). The CVS and SVN control
files are *completely* different, so you'll have to re-check out the whole
tree. No nice way around that.
b) I think will take care of the conversion. We just have to do
c) It should be about the same if not slightly easier, as proxies are
actually supported by the SVN client.

I think there might be a small measure of pain involved, but mainly for
those who have local changes that they might not be ready to commit yet.

Jason Lee, SCJP
JSF RI Dev Team