RE: JSFTemplating: problems working with jsftemplating

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 08:42:59 -0500

I guess I should have checked my WC... :P
Jason Lee, SCJP
Senior Software Engineer <>


        From: Imre Oßwald []
        Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 8:41 AM
        Subject: Re: JSFTemplating: problems working with jsftemplating
        Ok, i just checked out a fresh copy from JSFTemplatings-CVS, set the $glassfish-home, and typed ant, and it build without any errors.
        dataprovider.jar is still in the CVS!

        So to get Michael up and running:
        1) the line (290 source files!)
        [exec] [apt] Compiling 290 source files to C:\cvs projects\jsft\jsfte
        does not match mine (301 source files!) which is
              [exec] [apt] Compiling 301 source files to /Users/io/checkouts/jsftemplating/build

        so maybe the checkout was not complete?

        2) there are spaces in the project-path, and in the jdk-path, spaces are often the source of build problems, so i would suggest to at least try to move the project into a path without spaces.

        I hope this helps,

        On 14.05.2007, at 15:20, Jason Lee wrote:

                The build file itself is quite stable, IMO. What you're seeing is a change that was made that, perhaps, wasn't clearly enough stated (I'd have to check the mailing list archives to see for sure). If I recall correctly, those jars were pulled out of the repo and are now the user's responsibility to supply. If you look at at lines 38-39, you will see this:
                    ## Woodstock specific jar files
                Copy that property (and any others that might be missing), correct the path, and you should be set.
                Jason Lee, SCJP
                Senior Software Engineer


                        From: Michael Phoenix []
                        Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2007 9:04 PM
                        Subject: Re: JSFTemplating: problems working with jsftemplating
                        OK, I tried it again after checking out the project again from cvs. When I try to build it from the directory a check out into it gets the errors below, which tell me nothing. If I copy the entire checked out directory to C:\jsftemplating I get the same errors as before. Soneone with expertise in ant and the other stuff being used to build the project needs to take a look at the build process. It is REALLY UNSTABLE.

        Attached Mail-Content for reference:

        Here's the output I get when attempting to build from my cvs projects directory:
        C:\cvs projects\jsft\jsftemplating>ant
        Buildfile: build.xml

             [echo] Using C:\ant/bin/ant.bat
             [echo] java.home=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\jre
             [echo] ant.home=C:\ant
             [exec] Apache Ant version 1.7.0 compiled on December 13 2006

             [echo] C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\jre


             [exec] Buildfile: aptbuild.xml
             [exec] compile:
             [exec] [apt] Compiling 290 source files to C:\cvs projects\jsft\jsfte
             [exec] BUILD FAILED
             [exec] C:\cvs projects\jsft\jsftemplating\aptbuild.xml:31: Error running C:
        \Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06\bin\apt.exe compiler
             [exec] Total time: 0 seconds



        Total time: 3 seconds
        C:\cvs projects\jsft\jsftemplating>