Hi Mike,
Thanks for looking into this. You can use cvs to checkout the files
(you've already done this), then look for all the web site files in the
"www" directory.
Michael Phoenix wrote:
Ken, I can do that when I get back in town on the 1st. I can't
really hook up my laptop to the Internet where I am. I'm just emailing
and websurfing on a borrowed computer. What do I use to download and
change the webpages (SSH, FTP, CVS)?
On 4/26/07, Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen@sun.com> wrote:
Perhaps you can take a look at this and add it to the home page of
jsftemplating.dev.java.net? Let me know if you are willing to do
this or have questions.
Thanks again Mike!
Michael Phoenix wrote:
I've created a google calendar and sent you an invitation.
I've also given you access to change it how ever you want. It is called
JSFT. Check it out and tell me what you think. I don't know exactly who
to add or what access they should have. Let me know wgat you think.
On 4/25/07, Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen@sun.com
> wrote:
Sounds great, thanks Mike!
Michael Phoenix wrote:
> Ken,
> Hey I can take a hint! :-) I'll try to check into it. However I am
> going to be out of town for the next few days and am not sure how
> access to the internet will be. So it may be a few days before I
> to it.
> Mike
> On 4/24/07, *Ken Paulsen* < Ken.Paulsen@sun.com
> <mailto:
> Sure! Sorry about the late notice. I would also like to
setup a
> Google calendar (or something similar) so people can subscribe
> it and/or get rss feeds. If anyone wants to set that up....
> (hint, hint)
> Thanks!
> Ken
> Michael Phoenix wrote:
>> Ken,
>> Might I suggest sending out the reminder a little earlier?
>> Mike
>> On 4/24/07, *Ken Paulsen* < Ken.Paulsen@sun.com
>> <mailto:
Ken.Paulsen@sun.com>> wrote:
>> *Who:*
>> Developers interested in contributing to
>> or those interested in hearing about JSFTemplating
>> *When:*
>> Today Tuesday, Apr 24th, at 12PM PDT (GMT-7)
>> *Phone information:*
>> (866)545-5227 (US Toll-Free)
>> (865)673-6950 (International-Caller Paid)
>> Access Code: 3535518#
>> *WebEx information:*
>> Meeting Name: JSFTemplating Developer Meeting
>> PASSWORD: glassfish
>> *Agenda:*
>> * Development status
>> * Facelets Status / Issues
>> * Other questions / topics for future developer
>> Thanks!
>> Ken Paulsen
>> https://jsftemplating.dev.java.net