Re: JSFTemplating: questions on checking out glassfish and java updates

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:09:14 -0700

Michael Phoenix wrote:
As Ken has suggested I am trying to study the glassfish code to get a better idea of how JSFT is supposed to work.
Ok, I have observer status for the glassfish project and am looking at the instructions at this url:

First of all, it says you have to have the latest updates of Java 5, which is currently release 11. My understanding is that if I have the java update icon in my control panel and I have it set for automatic updates, then I should have all the latest updates, even if I haven't actually downloaded release 11. Have I got that right or do I need to explicitly download the latest release?
As long as you have the updated version of the JDK (not JRE), then you're fine.

When I typed "javac -version" on the command line, it gave me a long usage message with this at the top:

    javac 1.5.0_08

I'm not using the latest and things work fine for me.
Also, I am a bit confused by the following section:

GlassFish build steps:
The first step is to checkout the module dependencies and common files used in the build system and edit the properties file.
    % mkdir workspace
    % cd workspace
    % cvs -d :pserver:<userid> checkout glassfish/bootstrap
    This will checkout project.xml, maven.xml,, and common files referenced from project.xml.
Create  workspace/glassfish/bootstrap/ or for re-usable GlassFish workspace, one-time process is to create ${HOME}/ (Unix)  or %HOMEPATH%\ (Windows) and  set following variables: (you can get %HOMEPATH% value by running the command: echo %HOMEPATH% or run "set" and find HOMEPATH variable (windows))
What part is confusing above?  Your home directory?  If you open a command prompt.  That starts you in your home directory.  You can type type: notepad
Note that I am running Win XP and have downloaded Maven. As instructed under the cvs setup, I have setup wincvs and have a main directory for CVS projects. Can I use Wincvs with Maven or do I have to use command-line cvs?
I'm not sure.  You can probably do either one for checking out file... but maven does a lot more than checking out files and you will need to use maven to do the building.
Should the workspace directory be under that or does it need to be at the root of my directory.
Windows is not a developer friendly environment.  Spaces in path names, or path names that are too long confuse the operating system in certain situations.  For your own sake, I'd put it in the root directory just to avoid the chance of problems.  But to answer your question: I don't know. :)
The above instructions aren't specific about this. Also, it is not clear on how to create Is it just a blank text file or what? What is the advantage of putting it in the HOMEPATH?
Yes, it's a plain text file (actually it's a Java .properties file, I think).  You need to specify the properties listed described in the document.  At least these (you may need more):
glassfish.cvs.username=<your id>

The reason for this being in your home directory is so that it can be found.  The build scripts know how to look here for this file.  It's not done in the build directory b/c you may delete your build directory and you also don't want to modify files and accidentally check them in breaking everyone else's build environment.
Then ther is step 2:

  1. Bootstrap the server image (a collection of scripts and jar files used to run glassfish). Developer can select the option of "bootstrap" which downloads the pre-built server and builds only subset of the modules. Other option "bootstrap-all" is to create the server from scratch, and build all the modules to verify the intermodule or binary dependencies version change.

  2. bootstrap-all option: Building all the modules from the source.
    % maven bootstrap-all 
    bootstrap option: Build your own module using pre-built server
    % maven bootstrap
    This step is optional if you have already installed a promoted build of GlassFish.  To use the promoted build you will need to set the property in glassfish/
    glassfish.image.version=<<build version>>
    This will cause the build system to "point" to that installation. This property can also be added to ${HOME}/
When is says " This step is optional if you have already installed a promoted build of GlassFish." is it referring to everything under step 2? What is a "promoted build"? I currently have a version of  Sun AppServer PE9 running, does that qualify? How do I find the "build version" used to set the version property? Are there any "gotchas" with building glassfish if you have Sun AppServer installed?
Promoted builds are published on the GlassFish download page.  I recommend you do not take this approach.  Just  do a "bootstrap-all".  If you have a different version of GlassFish or SJS AS installed (or even tomcat) disable these servers when working with GlassFish.  They all try to use port 8080 and, of course, only 1 can so you might run into problems.  So use only 1 server at any given time.

Sorry for the slow response.  I hope this helps.  As soon as you do the checkout step you should be able to find the GlassFish admin GUI source at:


The "docroot" directory contains the web portion of the app (.jsf files, images, etc.).

The "java" directory contains our JSFT handlers and other java code for the app.

Also, once you finish the "build" step, the deployed GlassFish admin GUI app will be at:


You won't see the .jsf files in the deployed app b/c they are in the WEB-INF/lib/admin-jsf.jar file.  You can extract these files to the docroot if you'd like.

You may also want to set the JSFT DEBUG flag to true so you can modify pages.

Good luck!


Thanks in advance for your help.