Re: JSFTemplating: Developer session?

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2007 10:04:10 -0700

Hi Karam,

Sure, can we plan this for next week?  It can be open to anyone receiving this email.  We can do a WebEx meeting to more easily see examples / code.  Here are some ideas on topics, feel free to suggest more.  During the meeting we can pick and choose from these topics depending on people's interest:

* Creating a LayoutDefinitionManager
* Creating a ContentType for the "fileStreamer" feature
* Creating Handlers (not sure if this is too basic to cover)
* Creating ComponentFactories
* Manipulating the UIComponent tree (replacing or recreating portions of the page)

We could also talk about future features for JSFTemplating if people have ideas.

I can meet Wed or Fri of next week after 10AM PDT.  What would work for you?



Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
Is it possible to have a developer session where you can show how to add
new code to jsftemplating, flow of code, guidelines, some tips etc. I
think once I have a better understanding of the flow and what its doing,
 I could help with some of the new code.


Ken Paulsen wrote On 03/29/07 08:58,:
Hi Karam,

Yes, you should be able to use JFreeChart w/o too much difficulty, 
especially if there are already JSF components which provide this 
capability.  You can use the <component componentType="theComponentType" 
attributexyz="..." ... /> tag to use ANY jsf component.  If you want a 
specific tag for your charting component, then you simply have to create 
a ComponentFactory for it, which is very easy to do... take a look at 
any of the existing component factories in 
com.sun.jsftemplating.component.factory.* packages.

I hope this helps!

Good luck,


Karam Singh Badesha wrote:

I know that you guys are trying to get jMaki:chart component working 
inside jsftemplating. Is it possible to get some kind of hook for 
jfreechart? jfreechart is more mature and also there is some jsf 
component already available for jfreechart. Right now the problem I 
see with both of these is the way the data gets passed. There needs to 
be an easier way to pass a array, list etc to these and that is where 
jsftemplating can help. Please let me know if I should submit this 


Anissa Lam wrote:

There are some attributes in a component that gets evaluated only 
when the component is created, not during refresh.    So, when the 
page refresh,  the component exists and so won't go through the 
creation again.
This seems to be the case of the 'text' of a button. I also need to 
re-create  the jmaki:chart component with new data set.
I am sure there is a way to force the recreate,  but not sure how.
