Re: JSFTemplating: how do i force a re-create of a component

From: Karam Singh Badesha <Karam.Badesha_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 23:20:48 -0700

I know that you guys are trying to get jMaki:chart component working
inside jsftemplating. Is it possible to get some kind of hook for
jfreechart? jfreechart is more mature and also there is some jsf
component already available for jfreechart. Right now the problem I see
with both of these is the way the data gets passed. There needs to be an
easier way to pass a array, list etc to these and that is where
jsftemplating can help. Please let me know if I should submit this request.


Anissa Lam wrote:
> There are some attributes in a component that gets evaluated only when
> the component is created, not during refresh. So, when the page
> refresh, the component exists and so won't go through the creation
> again.
> This seems to be the case of the 'text' of a button. I also need to
> re-create the jmaki:chart component with new data set.
> I am sure there is a way to force the recreate, but not sure how.
> thanks
> Anissa.