Re: JSFTemplating: Retrieving Images/media from database

From: Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 19:47:26 -0700


Yes, you can do it just as you would with a normal JSF application if that's what you'd prefer to do.

JSFTemplating also provides a way to do this with it's "filestreamer" classes.  So if you're not just serving up URL's to images (or other resources), but would like to serve the resources... you can do this with the filestreamer classes.  Take a look at the JavaDoc for these classes which are in the "com.sun.jsftemplating.util.filestreamer" package.

Essentially, you'll need to create and register a "ContentSource".  You'll specify your ContentSource which knows how to serve up resources the way you want by passing the "contentSourceId" parameter on the URL, or by making your contentSource the "default" content source.  It will then allow you to stream just about any type of media from the server to the browser.

Perhaps I'll write a blog on this...

Let me know if you have questions,


paksegu wrote:
I am a newbie to JSFTemplating and I would like to know how to go about retrieving images and media files from a database or a Repository such as JCR. Can I go about it just as I would use managebeans/methods in a regular JSF app.

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