If it's still showing "Test.getResponse" on the info.jsf page, then one
of the following must be happening:
1) Your changes aren't in the classpath.
2) You haven't restarted the server (or redeployed the app)
The container's classloader caches things in the classpath, so
redeploying or restarting the server is necessary. You can also use the
".reload" feature, which essentially redeploys... I've had problems w/
this feature in the past, but I think those problems have been addressed.
Good luck!
Jim Jiang wrote:
> Both answer is 'Yes'.
> I clean and build project , the Handler.map show the 'tt.getResponse' .
> The only difference between my step with the guide is that I copy all
> the needed jar to <glassfish>/lib, to reduce the war size for quicker
> deployment.
> Thanks,
> Jim
> Anissa Lam wrote:
>> Hi Jim,
>> After changing the name of the method, did you 'clean and build
>> project' ?
>> When you look at the Handler.map, does it show 'tt.getResponse' or
>> 'Test.getResponse' ?
>> Anissa
>> Jim Jiang wrote:
>>> I have a basic question about JSFTemplate.
>>> I followed the guide 'Templating for JavaServer™ Faces Technology --
>>> NetBeans Project Tutorial' , and deploy and run the demo successfully.
>>> But when I tried to modified the demo to change handler name from
>>> Test.getResponse to * tt.*getResponse, I got below error when
>>> running abc.jsf.
>>> /javax.servlet.ServletException: Handler 'tt*.*getResponse' in event
>>> 'beforeEncode' is not declared! Ensure the '_at_Handler' annotation has
>>> been defined on the handler Java method, that it has been compiled
>>> with the annotation processing tool, and that the resulting
>>> 'META-INF/jsftemplating/Handler.map' is located in your classpath
>>> (you may need to do a clean build)./
>>> I only changed 2 place:
>>> One is in abc.jsf: (the bold text)
>>> <!beforeEncode
>>> * tt.*getResponse(upper(userInput="#{in}" response=>$pageSession{foo});
>>> />
>>> Another is in ExampleHandlers.java
>>> @Handler(id="*tt*.getResponse",
>>> input={
>>> @HandlerInput(name="userInput", type=String.class)
>>> },
>>> output={
>>> @HandlerOutput(name="response", type=String.class)
>>> })
>>> I make sure that the file META-INF/jsftemplating/Handler.map is
>>> generated in the war WEB-INF/lib directory.
>>> but the info.jsf always show the handler I defined, it always show
>>> Test.getReponse.
>>> Any other place need to be changed for just renaming handler?
>>> BTW, I use Netbean 5.5.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jim