This post is a combination of a couple of other posts I sent to this group,
seeking answers on creating web projects using jsf templating. I really need
some answers to the questions below in order to be able to get a better idea
of how this jsf templating is used. So I would appreciate it if someone
could help me out here.
I want to be able to use NetBeans to run and debug my projects. Currently I
can only do builds on the command-line. The build scripts with the demo
application like the JSF Templating scripts are extremely complicated and,
from my limited experience with ant, not very standard. I have been unable
to get the jsf templating build to work under NetBeans and nobody has
responded to my post with reqards as to how to figure out why this problem
occurs or how to debug the build script/NetBeans configuration. I assume
that this means nobody has any more clue than I, concerning what the problem
is. As the demo build script is similar to jsf templating build script, it
is likely that it would have similar problems. To the best of my knowledge
the product of the jsf templating build is not executable on its own,
building it outside of NetBeans is not a problem. However, if I build an
jsft application, I'm going to want to be able to use my IDE's debugging
capabilities, which requires it be runnable under the IDE. This is why I am
asking the questions below, to try to get a "hgigh-level" understnding of
how jsf templating works with web projects.
1. I was looking at my succesfully built demo application. and the structure
just does not seem to reflect standard web application. The build directory
does not contain a WEB-INF subdirectory or a web.xml file. It resembles no
standard build directory that I have ever seen in a web project. Is there a
reason for not going along with the J2EE standard on this? How would you
create a WAR file?
2. How is the first page that in demo accessed when you enter
localhost:8080/demo into your browser, what tells the application which page
to bring up first? There's no index file of any sort in demo.
3. Let me make sure I understand. All that I need to use JSF Templating in a
new project is to put the jsf templating and jsf templating dynafaces jar,
along with any Ui components I chose to use under WEB-INF\lib. Is that
correct? Do I need to do anything else? If so, what?
Some answers whoudl be greatly appreciated.