Great. Changing it to span fixes the problem. I finally have a fully
functional ajax with 3 dropdowns. Feeling pretty good :)
Thanks for all the help Ken.
Ken Paulsen wrote:
> You can use "span" instead of "div". You most likely do not need a
> <div> around this component at all, I think Woodstock adds one for
> you. But you may have different "input" vs. "execute" names to
> identify the component b/c Woodstock may not name the HTML input
> element the same as the clientId.
> Ken
> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using the div tag using the sun:markup tag like following:
>> <sun:markup tag="div" id="ajaxBuild">
>> Now the problem is that I originally had all the labels, dropdowns in
>> a single row. I had to add ajax to the page and hence the above div
>> tags. Now div tag is resulting in a <br> kind of behavior which I
>> don't want. Anyone know how this can be avoided?
>> thanks
>> Karam