Hi Karam,
I'm sorry I had forgotten that I had not included our custom
DataProvider in JSFTemplating yet. I cannot do this until woodstock is
open source. I have attached the src files and a .jar file w/ the
compiled code to this email. Include this .jar file in your WEB-INF/lib
directory and it should solve the problem.
Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
> I see. Getting the following error now:
> *type* Exception report
> *message*
> *description* _The server encountered an internal error () that
> prevented it from fulfilling this request._
> *exception*
> javax.servlet.ServletException:
> com.sun.enterprise.tools.admingui.dataprovider.MultipleListDataProvider
> *root cause*
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> com.sun.enterprise.tools.admingui.dataprovider.MultipleListDataProvider
> -Karam
> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>> The sun:tableRowGroup factory has some special code to make using the
>> table easier (really! ;) ). This code hides the fact that you need
>> to create a DataProvider to reference your data. To use this, you
>> must pass in your List<List<Object>> via the "data" property. You
>> are passing it via the "sourceData" property. The sourceData
>> property *is* a valid property of this component, but if you choose
>> to use this, you must pass in a DataProvider object.
>> So... to follow my example, switch to use "data". To follow
>> Woodstock examples, switch to use a DataProvider object.
>> I hope this help!
>> Ken
>> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>>> Ken,
>>> I think I am getting closer to the working table. Now nothing shows
>>> up for the table on my page. Here is what I have at the top:
>>> <!beforeCreate
>>> getReleases(lavaReleases=>$attribute{lavaReleasesList});
>>> getBuilds(lavaBuilds=>$attribute{lavaBuildsList});
>>> getProjects(lavaProjects=>$attribute{lavaProjectsList});
>>> getTable1Data(table1Data=>$pageSession{table1DataList});
>>> />
>>> Here is what I have in the sun:table code:
>>> <sun:table id="table1"
>>> clearSortButton="#{true}"
>>> sortPanelToggleButton="#{true}"
>>> paginateButton="#{true}"
>>> title="#{msgs.table1_header}">
>>> <sun:tableRowGroup id="rowGroup1"
>>> sourceData={"$pageSession{table1DataList}"}
>>> sourceVar="tRow">
>>> <sun:tableColumn id="col1"
>>> alignKey="first"
>>> headerText="#{msgs.table1_col1_header}"
>>> rowHeader="#{true}"
>>> sort="first">
>>> <sun:staticText text="#{tRow.value.one}"/>
>>> </sun:tableColumn>
>>> <sun:tableColumn id="col2"
>>> alignKey="second"
>>> headerText="#{msgs.table1_col2_header}"
>>> rowHeader="#{true}"
>>> sort="">
>>> <sun:staticText text="#{tRow.value.two}"/>
>>> </sun:tableColumn>
>>> <sun:tableColumn id="col3"
>>> alignKey="last"
>>> headerText="#{msgs.table1_col3_header}"
>>> rowHeader="#{true}"
>>> sort="">
>>> <sun:staticText text="#{tRow.value.three}"/>
>>> </sun:tableColumn>
>>> </sun:tableRowGroup>
>>> </sun:table>
>>> And the handler code is already in the email. What am I missing here
>>> to make it work?
>>> thanks
>>> Karam
>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>> Hi Karam,
>>>> It needs to be a List<List<HashTable>>. What you have will
>>>> probably work, if you specify:
>>>> <sun:tableRowGroup data={"$pageSession{listOfHashTable}"} ... >
>>>> Where $pageSession{listOfHashTable} is the output of your handler.
>>>> The {} around the ""'s will cause JSFTemplating to create a List to
>>>> contain your List of HashTable... which is what the "data" property
>>>> requires.
>>>> Ken
>>>> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>>>>> So I could have a list of object Hashtable?
>>>>> I have the following:
>>>>> @Handler(id="getTable1Data",
>>>>> output={
>>>>> @HandlerOutput(name="table1Data", type=java.util.List.class)
>>>>> })
>>>>> public static void fetchTable1Data(HandlerContext context) {
>>>>> Hashtable numbers1 = new Hashtable();
>>>>> Hashtable numbers2 = new Hashtable();
>>>>> numbers1.put("one", new Integer(1));
>>>>> numbers1.put("two", new Integer(2));
>>>>> numbers1.put("three", new Integer(3));
>>>>> numbers2.put("one", new Integer(1));
>>>>> numbers2.put("two", new Integer(2));
>>>>> numbers2.put("three", new Integer(3));
>>>>> // Do business logic...
>>>>> List t1Data = new ArrayList();
>>>>> t1Data.add(0,numbers1);
>>>>> t1Data.add(1,numbers2);
>>>>> // Set the output.
>>>>> context.setOutputValue("table1Data", t1Data);
>>>>> }
>>>>> Is this wrong?
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> Karam
>>>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>>>> Sorry!
>>>>>> Ken
>>>>>> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>>>>>>> Ken,
>>>>>>> I think you forgot to add the file. Please attach the file and
>>>>>>> send email again.
>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>> Karam
>>>>>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Karam,
>>>>>>>> Attached is an example table.jsf file that I have used to try
>>>>>>>> out a few basic things. All the data is defined in the .jsf
>>>>>>>> file so, it makes it simple to see what is required. There are
>>>>>>>> additional features that are implemented as well that you may
>>>>>>>> not need. Anyway, take a look and feel free to ask questions.
>>>>>>>> One thing I will point out is that the "data" property for the
>>>>>>>> TableRowGroup factory expects a List of List of Object
>>>>>>>> (List<List<Object>>)... in the example the "Obect" type is
>>>>>>>> "Map". The outer list is used to allow multiple sources to
>>>>>>>> provide row information. The inner list contains rows. The
>>>>>>>> Object is data for the row.
>>>>>>>> Good luck!
>>>>>>>> Ken
>>>>>>>> Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> Can someone please show some example handler code with only
>>>>>>>>> 2rows and 2cols without any input? I just want to see how to
>>>>>>>>> fill in the data for table. Your help is greatly appreciated.
>>>>>>>>> I looked at some admingui example code but I still can't get
>>>>>>>>> the basics about how to fill the table.
>>>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>>>> Karam
>>>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> <sun:page>
>>>>>> <sun:html>
>>>>>> <!beforeCreate
>>>>>> ######################
>>>>>> ## CREATE DATA ##
>>>>>> ######################
>>>>>> // Row 1
>>>>>> createMap(result=>$attribute{row1});
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row1}" key="a" value="Row1 Col A");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row1}" key="b" value="Row1 Col B");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row1}" key="c" value="Row1 Col C");
>>>>>> // Row 2
>>>>>> createMap(result=>$attribute{row2});
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row2}" key="a" value="Row2 Col A");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row2}" key="b" value="Row2 Col B");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row2}" key="c" value="Row2 Col C");
>>>>>> // Row 3
>>>>>> createMap(result=>$attribute{row3});
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row3}" key="a" value="Row3 Col A");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row3}" key="b" value="Row3 Col B");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row3}" key="c" value="Row3 Col C");
>>>>>> // Row 4
>>>>>> createMap(result=>$attribute{row4});
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row4}" key="a" value="Row4 Col A");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row4}" key="b" value="Row4 Col B");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row4}" key="c" value="Row4 Col C");
>>>>>> // Row 5
>>>>>> createMap(result=>$attribute{row5});
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row5}" key="a" value="Row5 Col A");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row5}" key="b" value="Row5 Col B");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{row5}" key="c" value="Row5 Col C");
>>>>>> // Create List of Map (List of the rows)
>>>>>> setPageSessionAttribute(key='listOfRows'
>>>>>> value={"$attribute{row1}" "${row2}" "${row3}" "${row4}"
>>>>>> "${row5}"} );
>>>>>> // Row 1 (again, different obj.)
>>>>>> createMap(result=>$attribute{rowA});
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowA}" key="selected"
>>>>>> value="$boolean{false}");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowA}" key="foo" value="Other Obj: A -
>>>>>> foo");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowA}" key="bar" value="Other Obj: A -
>>>>>> bar");
>>>>>> // Row 2 (again, different obj.)
>>>>>> createMap(result=>$attribute{rowB});
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowB}" key="selected"
>>>>>> value="$boolean{false}");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowB}" key="foo" value="Other Obj: B -
>>>>>> foo");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowB}" key="bar" value="Other Obj: B -
>>>>>> bar");
>>>>>> // Row 3 (again, different obj.)
>>>>>> createMap(result=>$attribute{rowC});
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowC}" key="selected"
>>>>>> value="$boolean{false}");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowC}" key="foo" value="Other Obj: C -
>>>>>> foo");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowC}" key="bar" value="Other Obj: C -
>>>>>> bar");
>>>>>> // Row 4 (again, different obj.)
>>>>>> createMap(result=>$attribute{rowD});
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowD}" key="selected"
>>>>>> value="$boolean{false}");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowD}" key="foo" value="Other Obj: D -
>>>>>> foo");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowD}" key="bar" value="Other Obj: D -
>>>>>> bar");
>>>>>> // Row 5 (again, different obj.)
>>>>>> createMap(result=>$attribute{rowE});
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowE}" key="selected"
>>>>>> value="$boolean{false}");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowE}" key="foo" value="Other Obj: E -
>>>>>> foo");
>>>>>> mapPut(map="$attribute{rowE}" key="bar" value="Other Obj: E -
>>>>>> bar");
>>>>>> // Create List of Map (List of more rows)
>>>>>> setPageSessionAttribute(key='moreRows'
>>>>>> value={"$attribute{rowA}" "${rowB}" "${rowC}", "${rowD}",
>>>>>> "${rowE}"});
>>>>>> />
>>>>>> <sun:head id="head" />
>>>>>> <sun:body>
>>>>>> <sun:form id="form">
>>>>>> <sun:alert id="alert1" summary="" details="" />
>>>>>> "<style type="text/css">\
>>>>>> .wideTable table {width: 100%}\
>>>>>> </style>
>>>>>> <sun:markup tag="div" styleClass="wideTable">
>>>>>> <sun:propertySheet id="ps1">
>>>>>> <sun:propertySheetSection id="pss1">
>>>>>> <sun:property id="prop1" overlapLabel="#{true}">
>>>>>> <sun:table style="width:100%" id="basicTable" title="Test
>>>>>> Table" deselectMultipleButton="#{true}"
>>>>>> selectMultipleButton="#{true}" paginateButton="#{true}"
>>>>>> paginationControls="#{true}">
>>>>>> <!facet actionsTop>
>>>>>> <sun:button text="Delete">
>>>>>> <!command
>>>>>> getUIComponent(clientId="form:ps1:pss1:prop1:basicTable:rowGroup1",
>>>>>> component=>$attribute{trg});
>>>>>> getSelectedTableRowKeys(tableRowGroup="${trg}"
>>>>>> rowKeys=>$attribute{rowKeys});
>>>>>> deleteTableRows(tableRowGroup="${trg}"
>>>>>> rowKeys="${rowKeys}");
>>>>>> commitTableRowGroup(tableRowGroup="${trg}");
>>>>>> />
>>>>>> </sun:button>
>>>>>> </facet>
>>>>>> // NOTE: The {} on the outside of the ""'s create a
>>>>>> List of the List(s) of rows
>>>>>> <sun:tableRowGroup id="rowGroup1"
>>>>>> data={"$pageSession{listOfRows}", "$pageSession{moreRows}"}
>>>>>> sourceVar="td" selected="#{td.value.selected}">
>>>>>> <sun:tableColumn headerText="Selected"
>>>>>> selectId="selCb" id="selcol" sort="#{td.value.selected}">
>>>>>> <sun:checkbox id="selCb"
>>>>>> value="#{td.value.selected}" />
>>>>>> </sun:tableColumn>
>>>>>> <sun:tableColumn headerText="Col 1" id="col1">
>>>>>> <staticText id="col1St" value="Val:
>>>>>> #{td.value.a}" />
>>>>>> <event>
>>>>>> <!beforeEncode
>>>>>> setAttribute(key="more"
>>>>>> value="$attribute{more}A");
>>>>>> setAttribute(key="coolList"
>>>>>> value={"$attribute{more}", "b", "c"});
>>>>>> />
>>>>>> </event>
>>>>>> <foreach key="cool" list="#{coolList}">
>>>>>> "<br />
>>>>>> <sun:hyperlink
>>>>>> url="http://www.google.com/search?q=#{cool}" text="Search google
>>>>>> for '#{cool}'" />
>>>>>> </foreach>
>>>>>> </sun:tableColumn>
>>>>>> <sun:tableColumn headerText="Col 2" id="col2">
>>>>>> <staticText id="col2St" value="#{td.value.foo}" />
>>>>>> </sun:tableColumn>
>>>>>> </sun:tableRowGroup>
>>>>>> </sun:table>
>>>>>> </sun:property>
>>>>>> </sun:propertySheetSection>
>>>>>> </sun:propertySheet>
>>>>>> </sun:markup>
>>>>>> </sun:form>
>>>>>> </sun:body>
>>>>>> </sun:html>
>>>>>> </sun:page>