Hi Karam,
Best practices is a good topic that probably has different opinions
depending on who you ask. :) I'll give you some of my thoughts.
See below.
Karam Singh Badesha wrote:
Because we are just starting our project using woodstock and
jsftemplating, it would be great if someone could provide some best
practices. This will really help us stay on the right track. Some of
points that I am interested in are:
- using jsftemplating what would I do different compared to what I
would have to do using woodstock alone (other than the difference in
tag name).
You don't need to do anything different. You may follow traditional JSF
design patterns which tend to center around creating a bunch of Mananged
Beans and spending a large percentage of your time managing them. :)
JSFTemplating offers the ability to take a more "event / handler" driven
approach. This allows you to execute code in response to different
"events" (time periods or user actions). This allows for better code
reuse and more intuitive code, IMHO. This approach generally centers
around defining a set of "handlers" (custom java methods that take
input, do something, and produce output), and declaring them during events.
- beans usage in jsftemplating
There are times when beans are the best approach. For example, you may
already have bean objects provided by your backend, or a custom JSF
component requires you use a bean (i.e. sun:helpWindow). So use managed
beans (or unmanaged beans) whenever you feel it adds value.
In my experience, creating a Java class just to hold values is usually
just extra work. Instead, take a look at where your data is coming
from... try not to change it. Put it in request scope, or in a general
object that is in request scope (i.e. a Map, or some generic bean).
Bind your values to that instead. You can do this during a
<!beforeCreate> event, or in some cases <!beforeEncode>... or in cases
like you suggested before where the value isn't known until the user
makes a selection in a <!command> event. This provides better control,
less data shuffling, and less configuration (no need to manage the data
in the faces-config.xml, or to create many separate "bean" classes).
- pointers to some real examples of jsftemplating with woodstock
GlassFish is the best example I know of:
You may want to follow the instructions on the GlassFish web site
(https://glassfish.dev.java.net) to checkout the "admin-gui/admin-jsf"
source code.
I hope this helps!
Ken Paulsen